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==CURRICULUM VITAE - Univ. Prof. Dr. Margit Laimer==
==CURRICULUM VITAE - Univ. Prof. Dr. Margit Laimer==
[[File:Dirndl Patenschaft BOKUMagazine.jpg|550px|right|:Dirndl-Patenschaft im BOKU-Magazine]]
[[File:Dirndl Patenschaft BOKUMagazine.jpg|550px|right|:Dirndl-Patenschaft im BOKU-Magazine]]
[[File:Gute Dirndlernte.JPG|450px|right| Dirndlernte]]
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Aktuelle Version vom 4. September 2017, 04:48 Uhr

Prof Laimers Patendirndl am Bahnhof Steinschal
Dirndlpatin Prof. Laimer

Univ. Prof. Dr. Margit Laimer

  • Plant Biotechnology Group
    • Department of Biotechnology

University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences

  • Muthgasse 18
  • A 1190 Vienna
  • Tel. + 43-1- 47654-6560
  • Email:

CURRICULUM VITAE - Univ. Prof. Dr. Margit Laimer

:Dirndl-Patenschaft im BOKU-Magazine

Personal Data

  • Place of birth: Bozen, Südtirol
  • Citizenship: Italian*


Leader of the Plant Biotechnology Unit (PBU) at the Department of Biotechnology, University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Vienna, Austria

Career Milestones

  • 1978 Classical graduation at the Humanistisches Lyzeum „Walther von der Vogelweide", Bozen, Italy
  • 1978 Proficiency of English at the University of Cambridge, UK
  • 1985 Ph.D. in Botany and Zoology at the University of Vienna, Austria
  • 1989 Advanced Course in Plant Tissue Culture and Plant Transformation at the University of Guelph, Canada
  • 1985-1987 co-worker in the Plant Virus Group at the IAM, BOKU University, Vienna, Austria

since 1987 ff Leader of the Plant Biotechnology Unit (PBU) at the IAM, BOKU University, Vienna, Austria

  • 1993 Habilitation in Plant Biotechnology at BOKU University, Vienna, Austria
  • 1996 Habilitation in Plant Virology (Plant Virology) at the University of Lisbon, Portugal
  • since 2004 President of the Haberlandt Prize Foundation, Austria-Hungary
  • 2004 -2010 Deputy Head of Department of Biotechnology at BOKU University, Vienna, Austria
  • since 2013 National Contact of EPSO and Coordinator of the 2. and 3. Fascination of Plants Day Vienna, Austria

Field of Research

  • Plant Biotechnology for Temperate Fruit Crops (Grapevine and Fruit Trees)
  • Molecular Detection and Elimination of Grapevine and Fruit Trees Pathogens in vitro
  • Resistance Breeding in Grapevine and Fruit Trees against Plant Pathogens: Viruses and Fungi
  • Genetic Transformation of Woody Species
  • Molecular Characterization of Genotypes and Cultivars (Grapevine and Fruit Trees)
  • Identification of Pathogen Inducible and Tissue Specific Regulatory Sequences of Woody Species
  • Study of Genes involved in Allergenic and Pathogen Response (Fruit Trees and Small Fruits)
  • Plant Cell Factories for pharmaceutically interesting molecules
  • Biofuel Plants for growing green energy
  • Gene expression profiling during abiotic and biotic stress conditions
  • Search for novel (plant) sources of pathogenesis-related proteins


German, Italian, English, French, Portuguese, Spanish

Organization of international conferences

The PBU organized 6 international Workshops at BOKU, Vienna, Austria:

  • 1998 Symposium in memory of 100th anniversary of the foundation of tissue culture by Gottlieb Haberlandt
  • 2003 Workshop “Plant food allergies: field to table strategies to reduce their incidence in Europe”
  • 1998 Risk Assessment Workshop: Marker Genes and Pathogen Mediated Virus Resistance in Fruit Trees
  • 2005 ICA/NASULGC GMO Workshop: GMOs worldwide: science and its public perception
  • 2006 IAPTC & B Regional conference on Plant Biotechnology
  • 2008 Workshop “Transgenic plants in Europe: public acceptance and regulatory bottleneck”

Margit Laimer was Scientific Committee Member in several international conferences:

  • 2001 Life Sciences 2001. Vienna, Austria
  • 2004 IVCHB Symposium: In vitro culture and horticultural breeding. Debrecen, Hungary
  • 2008 VI IVCHB Symposium 2020 Vision for in vitro horticultural breeding. Brisbane, Australia
  • 2008 Genetic control of plant viruses and their vectors: towards new resistance strategies. Cadiz, Spain


We were in the particular situation of being in charge of the planning and building of our research facilities in the early days of our careers.

  • 1990 - 1991 Phytosanitary equipment and laboratories of the new IAM (650 m2 laboratory and 450 m2 glasshouses), BOKU, Muthgasse 18, Vienna, Austria.
  • 1994 - 1995 Coordination, Planning and Construction of an insect-proof screenhouse (600 m2) for the conservation of elite material of virus-free Rosaceous fruit trees. This site is also used for the experimentation with transgenic plants, since in Austria so far no release to the open field has been approved ( A second screenhouse is currently in the planning phase (2012 – 2015).

Scientific community responsibilities

  • 1995-1998 Rapporteur of Austrian Scientific Board for the deliberate release and marketing of GMOs
  • since 1995 Evaluator of EU - Research Projects in the field of Agriculture and Biotechnology (FP 5 to FP7)
  • since 1995 Member of the Committee for Biological Safety of IAM, BOKU, Vienna
  • 1999-2003 Member of Austrian Scientific Board for the deliberate release and marketing of GMOs
  • since 2000 ERASMUS Coordinator for student exchange in the field of Biotechnology
  • since 2003 Research Speaker of ICA (Interuniversity Council for Agricultural and Related Sciences in EU)
  • since 2006 Associate Editor of the Journal of Biotechnology, Section Agro -/ Food Biotechnology
  • 2010 Project Evaluator for "AGER -Agroalimentare e ricerca", Milan, Italy
  • since 2010 Editorial Board member of GM Crops, Egypt
  • since 2010 Member of the CAS steering group at BOKU University, Vienna, Austria
  • since 2011 Spokeswoman of DBT and VIBT at BOKU University, Vienna, Austria
  • since 2012 Representative of DBT in the VWG Nutzerrat at BOKU University, Vienna, Austria
  • 2012 Evaluator of Phytopathological Projects of Kind Saud University, Saudi Arabia
  • 2012 Evaluator of the Centro de Biotecnologia dos Açores, Portugal.

Selected institutions from the PBUs international and national cooperation network

  • University of Vienna, Faculty of Life Sciences, Vienna, Austria
  • Plant Breeding Unit, Joint FAO/IAEA Agriculture & Biotechnology Laboratory, International Atomic Energy Agency Laboratories, Seibersdorf, Austria
  • Centro Nazionale delle Ricerche (CNR) CNR Miglioramento Genetico e Biologia Vite, Grugliasco, Torino, Italy
  • University of Bari, Plant Virology Institute, Bari, Italy
  • University of Bologna, Plant Pathology Department, Bologna, Italy
  • Corvinus University, Budapest, Hungary
  • Research Institute for Fruitgrowing and Ornamentals, Budapest, Hungary
  • University of Lisbon, Faculty of Biology, Portugal
  • University of Azores, DCA, Angra do Heroismo, Portugal
  • BBA Braunschweig, Germany
  • Leibniz University Hannover, Germany
  • Department Biotechnology, Gembloux, Belgium
  • Bioforsk, Kvithamar, Norway
  • INIA, Valencia, Spain
  • INRA, Bordeaux, France
  • John Innes Institute, Norfolk, UK
  • East Malling Research, Kent, UK
  • University Wageningen, The Netherlands
  • Ethiopian Institute of Agricultural Research (EIAR), Ethiopia
  • Embrapa Semiárido: The Empresa Brasileira de Pesquisa Agropecuária Semiárid. Petrolina, Brazil
  • EPAMG: Empresa de Pesquisa Agropecuária de Minas Gerais, Unidade Regional Norte de Minas, Brazil
  • IOC/FIOCRUZ: Laboratório de Genômica Funcional e Bioinformática, Instituto Oswaldo Cruz – Fiocruz, Rio de Janeiro, Brasil
  • CETENE- Centro de Tecnologias Estratégicas do Nordeste. Recife, Brazil

Academic Memberships

DPG Deutsche Phytomedizinische Gesellschaft EPSO European Plant Science Organization GSPBT German Society of Plant Biotechnology IAPB Intl. Association of Plant Biotechnology, since 1998 National Correspondent ICVG Intl. Council for the Study of Viruses and Virus Diseases of the Grapevine ISBR International Society for Biosafety Research IS-MPMI Intl. Society for Plant-Microbe Interaction ISPMB Intl. Society for Plant Molecular Biology ISHS Intl. Society for Horticultural Sciences, Member Commission on Biotechnology ÖGMBT Österreichische Gesellschaft für Molekulare Biowissenschaften und Biotechnologie PRRI Public Research and Regulation Initiative SEB The Society for Experimental Biology


1998 Rudolf Hermann Award in Viticulture and Horticulture Expression of viral sequences in woody crop plants to achieve resistance against aphid- and nematode-transmitted viruses; 1998 BOKU Award of the Chamber of Commerce Resistance breeding against grapevine viruses; 1993 Award for Young South Tyrolean Scientists Abroad; South Tyrolian Foundation 1992 Austrian Society of Biotechnology (ÖGBT) Transformation of Prunus armeniaca with the coat protein gene of Plum Pox Virus (Sharka).

Participation in art and science discussions and exhibits, films and publications

  • 2014 Weber- Unger S. Exhibition on the technique of Naturselbstdruck developed by Alois Auer, Vienna, Austria
  • 2014 Weber-Unger M. Naturselbstdruck of transgenic Vitis vinifera. Vienna, Austria
  • 2013 Fascination of Plants Day at PBU, University of Natural resources and Life Sciences, Vienna, Austria, visit by the Austrian Minister of Science K.H. Töchterle
  • 2013 Interview on the virological relevance of Tulip breaking virus in the context of Tulipomania, Terra Mater, Austria
  • 2012 Fascination of Plants Day at PBU, University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Vienna, Austria
  • 2011 Newton Interview on the legal framework for Bioartist Trimmel biohacking transgenic plants ORF, Austria
  • 2010 Wiener Forschungsfest. Exposition of a tissue culture lab for the conservation of fruit tree biodiversity at the Viennese Science Festival, Vienna
  • 1996 Museum of Applied Arts (Museum für Angewandte Kunst, MAK) Vienna: “Mäßig- gefräßig” Exposition of plant tissue culture at an Exposition of Food
  • 1992 Kartause Gaming “Vielfalt des Heilens” Exposition of plant tissue culture at an Exhibit on Medicinal plants in occasion of 650 years of the Monastery
  • 1992 Expo 92, World exposition Sevilla 1992. Exposition of concept of transgenic virus resistance against Plum pox virus in apricot

Highlights of research mentoring record

Survey of 18 PhD and 35 Master Theses in the field of Plant Biotechnology and Virology, evaluation of 10 international PhD and master Theses, 8 Post Docs, tutoring of 16 ERASMUS/SOCRATES Students, hosting 40 visiting scientists (2 – 4 months). Of my 53 students in the field of Plant Biotechnology and Virology, 18 remained in the field of science and made interesting research careers.

Teaching interest / Distinguished Lectureships at 6 Universities

since 1989 Plant Tissue Culture (German), BOKU, Vienna, Austria 1992 - 1995 Invited lecturer for FAO at the IAM Bari on “Transgenosis in fruit tree and grapevine improvement” (English), Valenzano, Italy since 1995 Biotechnology Seminars (German), BOKU, Vienna, Austria since 1995 Guest Professor for Plant Virology (Portuguese), University of Lisbon, Portugal 1995–1996 Professor for Plant Biology (Portuguese), University of Azores, Angra do Heroismo, Portugal 1996 Co-organizer of the 1. Course on Genetic Enginering for Crop Improvement: Introduction to Virus Resistance” (English), Oeiras, Portugal since 1996 Plant Virology (English), BOKU, Vienna, Austria since 2000 Plant Biotechnology (English), Vienna University, Vienna, Austria 2004- 2011 Cell Factories (German), BOKU, Vienna, Austria 2001-2011 Lecturer for Phytopathology (English), Free University of Bozen, Italy since 2004 Molecular Phytopathology (English), BOKU, Vienna, Austria since 2006 Microbial Plant Protection (English), BOKU, Vienna, Austria since 2006 Safety Aspects in Plant Biotechnology (English), BOKU, Vienna, Austria 2007 Bioanalytik außerhalb der Humanmedizin (German). FH Wiener Neustadt, Austria 2007 UNIDO E-Biosafety Master (English), University of Ancona, Italy 2007-2011 Selected topics of Plant Physiology and Environmental Sciences (German), University Vienna, Austria 2008 In vitro plant biotechnologies: propagation, mycorrhization and molecular tools (English), ERASMUS course, Istituto Politécnico de Bragança, Portugal since 2012 Cell Factories (English), BOKU, Vienna, Austria since 2012 Crop Plant Sciences (English), BOKU, Vienna, Austria

Research monographs

1. Laimer M. and Rücker W. 2003. Plant Tissue Culture: 100 years since Gottlieb Haberlandt. Plant Tissue Culture: 100 years since Gottlieb Haberlandt. 1, 1, 260; Springer Verlag, Wien 2. Laimer M. OECD Draft Consensus Document on the Biology of Prunus sp. (Stone fruits). 1999. 3. Laimer da Câmara Machado M. 1995. Virologia Végétal: Doenças virais das plantas e aproximação biotecnológica ao seu combate. Habilitationsschrift. Universität Lissabon. 4. Laimer da Câmara Machado M. 1992. Plant Biotechnology. Habilitationsschrift. Universität für Bodenkultur, Wien.

Book Chapters

  • Maghuly F., Vollmann J., Laimer M. 2014. Biotechnological improvement of three economically important Euphorbiaceae (Jatropha curcas, Manihot esculenta, Ricinus communis) In: P. Poltronieri, N. Burbulis and C. Fogher (editors) From Plant Genomics to Plant Biotechnology. Woodhead Publishing, Oxford. PP. 119-148.
  • Maghuly F., Jankowicz-Cieslak J., Till B., Laimer M. 2013. The use of ECO-TILLING for the genetic improvement of Jatropha curcas. In: Sujatha M., Bahadur B. and Carels N., Compendium of Bioenergy Crops: Jatropha curcas. 2, 335-349; Springer, Science Publishers, USA
  • Vollmann, J., Laimer, M. 2013. Novel and traditional oil crops and their biorefinery potential. In: S.-T. Yang, H.A. El.Enshasy, N. Thongchul, Bioprocessing Technologies in Biorefinery for Sustainable Production of Fuels, Chemicals, and Polymers, 47-59; John Wiley & Sons, Inc., Hoboken, New Jersey, USA; ISBN 978-0-470-54195-1
  • Maghuly F., Gambino G., Deak T., Laimer M. 2013. Genomics of grapevine: From genomics research on model plants to crops and from science to grapevine breeding. In: P. Poltronieri, N. Burbulis and C. Fogher (editors) From Plant Genomics to Plant Biotechnology. Woodhead Publishing, Oxford. PP. 119-148.
  • Laimer M. and Barba M. 2011. Elimination of Systzemic Pathogens by Thermotherapy, Tissue culture, or in vitro Micrografting. In. Viruse and Virus-like Diseases of Pome and Stone Fruits. Eds. Hadidi A., Barba M., Candresse T., Jelkmann W. APS Press: 389-393.
  • Laimer M. 2009. Detection of phytoplasmas of temperate fruit trees. In: E. Burns, Springer Protocols: Methods in Molecular Biology Plant Pathology: 508, 267- 288; Humana Press, New York; ISBN 978-1-588-29-799-0
  • Laimer M. 2006. Virus resistance breeding in fruit trees. In: Transgenic Trees. Fladung M. and Ewald D. eds. Springer. 181-199.
  • Laimer M. and Bertaccini A. 2006. European Stone Fruit Yellows. In: N.A. Harrison, G.P. Rao and C. Marcone, Characterization and Identification of Phytoplasmas, 73-92; Studium Press, Texas, USA
  • Laimer M. 2005. The biotechnology`s contribution to meeting today`s challenges. Fifth Vienna Globalization Symposium. 13. - 14. 5. 2004. 227 - 232.

11. Laimer M. 2005. Biotechnologie und Immaterialgüterrecht: Die Sicht einer Naturwissenschaftlerin. In: Neueste Entwicklungen im europäischen und internationalen Immaterialgüterrecht. 8. St. Galler Intl. Immaterialgüterrechtsforum IIF 2004: Eds. Baudenbacher C. and Simon J. Helbing and Lichtenhahn, Basel, Genf, München. Vol. 6: 207 - 225. 12. Lamer M. 2003. Detection and Elimination of Viruses and Phytoplasmas from Pome and Stone Fruit Trees. In: Horticultural Reviews 28: 187-236 13. Laimer M. 2003. Characterisation of transgenic fruit trees and analyses of direct and indirect biological interactions. Ecological Impact of GMO Dissemination in Agro-Ecosystems, 101-113 14. Laimer M. 2003. The development of transformation of temperate woody fruit crops. In: Laimer M. and Rücker W. 2003. Plant Tissue Culture: 100 years since Gottlieb Haberlandt. Springer Verlag, Wien: 217-242. 15. Knapp E., Hanzer V.,Weiss, H., da Câmara Machado A., Katinger H. and Laimer da Câmara Machado M. 1997. Characteristics of large-scale production of phytosanitary improved in vitro fruit tree cultivars using in vitro elimination treatments and serodiagnostics. in: Diagnosis and Identification of Plant Pathogens. (eds: Dehne H., Adam G., Diekmann M., Frahm J., Mauler-Machnik A and Van Halteren P) Kluwer Academic Publishers. Developments in Plant Pathology Nr 11: 141-147. 16. Knapp E., Hanzer V., Mendonça D., da Câmara Machado A., Katinger H. and Laimer da Câmara Machado M. 1997. Improved virus detection in rosaceous fruit trees in vitro. Pathogen and Microbial Contamination Management in Micropropagation. (editor: A. Cassells) Kluwer Academic Publishers. . Developments in Plant Pathology Nr 12: 23-29.

  • Laimer da Câmara Machado M. 1996. Contribution to FAO/IPGRI Guidelines for the Safe Movement of Germplasm: Stone Fruits (nr. 16). eds. M. Diekmann and C.A. Putter.
  • da Câmara Machado A. and Laimer da Câmara Machado M. 1995. Genetic transformation in Prunus armeniaca L. (apricot). in Biotechnology in Agriculture and Forestry. Plant protoplasts and genetic engineering VI. ed. Bajaj Y.P.S. Vol. 34: 246-260.
  • da Câmara Machado A., Katinger H. and Laimer da Câmara Machado M. 1994. Coat protein-mediated protection against Plum Pox Virus in herbaceous model plants and transformation of apricot and plum. Progress in Temperate Fruit Breeding. H. Schmidt and M. Kellerhals (eds.) Kluwer Acad. Publ. 349-354.
  • Laimer da Câmara Machado M. 1992. The use of the transgenic approach to improve resistance in perennial fruit crops. IAPTC Newsletter 67, March 1992, Feature Article II: 5-16
  • Laimer M. 1985. Einfluß von 2,4-D auf Wachstum und Enzymgehalt unterschiedlich herbizidempfindlicher Pflanzen in Gewebekulturversuchen. Dissertation. Universität Wien.

Published Contributions to International Conferences

1. Maghuly F. and Laimer M. 2014. Phytopathogens modify the cultural landscape. In: Horticulture in quality and culture of life, Mendel University in Brno, Faculty of Horticulture in Lednice and Czech Society for Horticultural Science   2. Maghuly F., Jankowicz-Cieslak J., Calari A., Ramkat R., Till B., Laimer M 2011. Investigation of genetic variation in Jatropha curcas by Ecotilling and ISSR. BMC Proceedings 5: O50. 3. Maghuly F., Kogler S., Marzban G., Nöbauer K., Razzazi E., Laimer M. 2011. Proteomics, a systems biology based approach to investigations of Jatropha curcas seeds. BMC Proceedings 5: P162. 4. Ramkat R., Calari A., Maghuly F., Laimer M. 2011. Occurrence of African cassava mosaic virus (ACMV) and East African cassava mosaic virus – Uganda (EACMV-UG) in Jatropha curcas. BMC Proceedings. 5: P93. 5. Maghuly F., Laimer M. 2011. Microsatellite variability between apricot and related Prunus species. BMC Proceedings. 5: P10. 6. Marzban G., Herndl A., Tulipani S., Battino M., Mezzetti B.and Laimer M. 2009. Strawberry PRPs fluctuate depending on genotype and seasonal conditions. Acta Hort. 838:211-216. 7. Gottschamel J., Castellano M., Maghuly F., Laimer M. 2009. Detection of virus like particles (VLPs) by ISEM in transgenic grapevines expressing different GFLV-CP constructs. Progrès Agricole et Viticole, Hors Série - Extended abstracts 16th Meeting of ICVG. 31. Aug – 4. Sept., Dijon, France, 88-89. 8. Ndona R., Spornberger A., Jezik K., Friedel J.K., Rinnofner T., Laimer M., Marzban G., Klima H. 2008. Influence of Effective Microorganisms as a means of improving the quality of tomatoes in protected cultivation. In: Prof. Dr. Paolo Inglese & PD Dr. Gerhard Bedlan, SHE - First Symposium on Horticulture in Europe, Book of Abstract, First Symposium on Horticulture in Europe, 17.-20.2.2008, Wien, 322-323; ISSN 1996-9449. 9. Laimer M., Marzban G., Mansfeld A., Herndl A., Hemmer W., Stoyanova E., and Katinger H. 2006 Allergens in small fruits: an issue for risk assessment. In: CABI Publishing, 1st World Congress on Human Health and Nutrition, 28-30 September, Barcelona, 248-248. 10. Maghuly F., Borroto Fernandez E., Ruthner S., Pedryc A. and Laimer M. 2006. Microsatellite characterization of apricot (Prunus armeniaca L.) cultivars grown in Central Europe. Acta Hort. 717, 207-212. 11. Laimer M., Maghuly F., Khan M., Sommerbauer T., Schartl A., Leopold S., Katinger H., Mendonça D. and da Câmara Machado A. 2006. Transformation of woody species: state of the art. Acta Hort. 725, 747-752. 12. Gribaudo I., Gambino G., Leopold S. and Laimer M. 2005. Molecular characterisation of transgenic grapevine plants. Molecular characterization of transgenic grapevine plants. Abstr. 7th Int. Symp. On Grapevine Physiology and Biotechnology, Davis CA (USA). Acta Hort. 689, 485-492. 13. Laimer M. 2004. The GMO Debate: The European Responses. Reports of the 4. Transatlantic Conference on American-European Universities Partnerships in Food and Agricultural Education and Research (eds. Karssen C.) Beauvais, 2.-3. April 2003. 80-89. 14. Laimer M. 2003. Characterisation of transgenic fruit trees and analyses of direct and indirect biological interactions. In: Ecological Impact of GMO Dissemination in Agro-Ecosystems. (eds. Lelley T., Balázs E. and Tepfer M.) Facultas, Vienna, 101-113. 15. Laimer M., Mendonça D., Arthofer W., Hanzer V., Myrta A., and Boscia D. 2003. Occurrence of different plum pox virus strains in several stone fruit species in Austria. Option Méditerranéennes, Sér. B, 45, 79-83. 16. Gribaudo I., Scariot V., Gambino G., Schubert A., Gölles R. and Laimer M. 2003. Transformation of Vitis vinifera L. cv. Nebbiolo with the coat protein gene of Grapevine FanLeaf Virus (GFLV). VII International Conference on Grape Genetics and Breeding (August 26-31, 2002 - Kecskemét, Hungary). Acta Hort. 603, 309-314. 17. Mota M., Pühringer H., Zinnöcker I., Kaydamov C. Katinger H. and Laimer da Câmara Machado M. 2003. Alternative strategies to fight apple scab. ISHS Symp. On Apple Breeding for Scab Resistance, Trento, 14. – 16. September 2000. Acta Hort. 593, 153-158. 18. Balla I., Kriston É., Tóth E., Arthofer W., Hanzer V. and Laimer M. 2002. Detection of the phytosanitary status of stone fruit cultivars under in vitro conditions in Hungary. Proc. 6th Conf. EFPP, Prague Plant Protect. Sci. 38, 271-274. 19. Laimer da Câmara Machado M., Heinrich M., Hanzer V., Arthofer W., Strommer S., Paltrinieri S., Martini M., Bertaccini A., Kummert J. and Davies D.L. 2001. Improved detection of viruses and phytoplasmas in fruit tree tissue cultures. 18th ISHS Conference on Virus & Virus-like Diseases of Temperate Fruit Crops. Canterbury, 9.-15. July 2000. Acta Hort. 550, 463-469. 20. Gölles R., da Câmara Machado A., Minafra A., Savino V., Saldarelli G., Martelli G.P., Pühringer H., Katinger H. and Laimer da Câmara Machado M. 2000. Transgenic grapevines expressing coat protein gene sequences of grapevine fanleaf virus, arabis mosaic virus, grapevine virus A and grapevine virus B. VIIth International Symposium on Grapevine Genetics and Breeding, Montpellier 6 -10 July 1998. Acta Hort. 528, 305-311. 21. Lopes M.S., Steinkellner H., Sefc K.M., Mendonça D., Laimer da Câmara Machado M. and da Câmara Machado A. 2000. Genotyping of Vitis cultivars used for the production of VQPRD and VLQPRD in the Azores by microsatellite markers, VII eme Symp. Intl. sur la Genetique et l`Amelioration de la Vigne, Montpellier. Acta Hort 528, 189-192. 22. Laimer da Câmara Machado M. 1999. 1898 - 1998: Symposium in memory of the 100th anniversary of the foundation of tissue culture by Gottlieb Haberlandt. Vienna, 8.-9. October 1998. In Vitro Plant 35, 157-181. 23. Druart P., Delporte F., Brazda M., Ugarte-Ballon C., da Câmara Machado A., Laimer da Câmara Machado M., Jacquemin J. and Watillon B. 1998. Genetic transformation of cherry trees. Acta Hort. 468, 71-76. 24. Mendonça D., Lopes M.S., Laimer da Câmara Machado M. and da Câmara Machado A. 1998. Diagnosis of viral diseases in Stone Fruits cultivated in the Azorean Islands Terceira and Graciosa. Intl. Symp. On Fruit Tree Viruses. June 1997. Beltsville, Acta Hort. 472, 537-541. 25. da Câmara Machado A., Knapp E., Hanzer V., Arthofer W., Mendonça D., Lopes S., Katinger H. and Laimer da Câmara Machado M. 1998. Phytosanitary improvement of fruit trees: diagnostic strategies in virus indexing of in vitro plants. Intl. Symp. on Fruit Tree Viruses. June 1997. Beltsville, Acta Hort. 472, 511-516. 26. Hammond J., Pühringer H., da Câmara Machado A. and Laimer da Câmara Machado M. 1997. A broad-spectrum PCR assay combined with RFLP analysis for detection and differentiation of Plum Pox Virus serotypes and isolates. Intl. Symp. on Fruit Tree Viruses. June 1997, Beltsville, Acta Hort. 472, 483-490. 27. Gölles R., da Câmara Machado A., Tsolova V., Bouquet A., Moser R., Katinger H. and Laimer da Câmara Machado M. 1997. Transformation of somatic embryos of Vitis sp. with different constructs containing nucleotide sequences from nepovirus coat protein genes. 3. Intl. Symp. In Vitro Culture and Horticultural Breeding, Jerusalem, June 1996. Acta Hort.447: 265-272. 28. Knapp E., Hanzer V., Mendonça D., da Câmara Machado A., Pühringer H., Katinger H. and Laimer da Câmara Machado M. 1996. Distribution of PPV in developing Fruits of Prunus armeniaca. Proceedings of the „3. Middle European Meeting on PPV“, October 1996, Budapest. 137-140. 29. da Câmara Machado A., Frick N.S., Kremen R., Katinger H. and Laimer da Câmara Machado M. 1997. Biotechnological Approaches to the Improvement of Jatropha curcas. Proceedings of the Intl. Symp. on Jatropha, February 1997, Managua, Nicaragua, 15. 30. Knapp E., Hanzer V., Mendonça D., da Câmara Machado A., Pühringer H., Katinger H. and Laimer da Câmara Machado M. 1996. Comparison of different treatments for elimination of PPV from stone fruit tissue culture. Proceedings of the „3. Middle European Meeting on PPV“, October 1996, Budapest, 80-84. 31. da Câmara Machado A., Knapp E., Pühringer H., Hanzer V., Weiss H., Katinger H. and Laimer da Câmara Machado M. 1995. The approach of pathogen-mediated resistance breeding against plum pox potyvirus in stonefruit trees. Intl. Conf. on Plant Virology, dedicated to the 100th anniversary of Prof. D. Atanassov, Sept. 1994, Troyan, Bulgaria. Plant Science 32, 28-32. 32. da Câmara Machado A., Knapp E., Pühringer H., Hanzer V., Weiss H., Wang Q., Katinger H. and Laimer da Câmara M. 1995. Progress in pathogen mediated-resistance breeding against Plum Pox Virus. XVI ISHS Symposium on Fruit Tree Viruses. Rome, 1994. Acta Hort 386, 318-326. 33. da Câmara Machado A., Knapp E., Seifert G., Pühringer H., Hanzer V., Weiss H., Wang Q., Katinger H. and Laimer da Câmara Machado M. 1995. Gene transfer methods for the pathogen mediated resistance breeding in fruit trees. XXIV ISHS Congress, Kyoto, 1994. Acta Hort 392,193-202. 34. Knapp E., Hanzer V., Weiss H., da Câmara Machado A., Wang Q., Weiss B., Katinger H. and Laimer da Câmara Machado M. 1995. Distribution of ACLSV in apple shoots cultivated in vitro. XVI ISHS Symposium on Fruit Tree Viruses. Rome, 1994. Acta Hort 386, 187-194. 35. Knapp E., Hanzer V., Weiss H., da Câmara Machado A., Wang Q., Weiss B., Katinger H. and Laimer da Câmara Machado M. 1995. New aspects of virus elimination in fruit trees. XVI ISHS Symposium on Fruit Tree Viruses. Rome. Acta Hort 386, 409-418. 36. da Câmara Machado A., Katinger H. and Laimer da Câmara Machado M. 1994. Coat protein-mediated protection against Plum Pox Virus in herbaceous model plants and transformation of apricot and plum. Eucarpia Fruit Breeding Section Meeting. Wädenswil 1993. Euphytica: 77, 129-134 37. Seifert G.J., Kanzler P., da Câmara Machado A. and Laimer da Câmara Machado M. 1993. Hormonal Optimization and Morphological Characterization of the Jork M9 Stem Discs System. Outlooks to its Biochemical Characterization. COST 87 "Rooting Working Group" Meeting, Rome, June 1993, Advances in Hort. Sciences 94, 61-66. 38. Laimer da Câmara Machado M., da Câmara Machado A., Hanzer V., Weiss H., Regner F., Steinkellner H., Plail R., Knapp E., Katinger H. 1993. Coat protein-mediated protection against Plum Pox Virus. 2. ISHS Symp. on in vitro Culture and Horticultural Breeding Baltimore, June 1992. Acta Hort. 336, 85-92. 39. da Câmara Machado A., Regner F., Steinkellner H., Mattanovich D., Hanzer V., Weiss H., Laimer da Câmara Machado M., Katinger H. 1992. Coat protein-mediated protection against Plum Pox Virus. Acta Hort. 309, 203-210. 40. Laimer da Câmara Machado M., da Câmara Machado A., Mattanovich D., Regner F., Steinkellner H., Hanzer V., Weiss H., Knapp E., Plail R., Katinger H. 1992. Transformation and regeneration of plants of Prunus armeniaca with the coat protein gene of Plum Pox Virus. Acta Hort. 309, 183-189. 41. Steinkellner H., Weinhäusl A., Laimer M., da Câmara Machado A. and Katinger H. 1991. Identification of the coat protein gene of Arabis Mosaic Nepovirus and its expression in transgenic plants. Acta Hort. 308, 37-41. 42. Laimer da Câmara Machado M., Mattanovich D., da Câmara Machado A., Kalthoff B., Hanzer V., Weiß H., Regner F., Katinger H. 1991. In-vitro Methoden zur Verbesserung von Obstgehölzen. Bioengineering: 4, 37-42 / Institutsbroschüre des Instituts für Angewandte Mikrobiologie, Wien. 43. Laimer M., da Câmara Machado A., Hanzer V., Himmler G., Mattanovich D. and Katinger H.W.D. 1989. Regeneration of shoots from leaf discs of fruit trees as a tool for transformation. Acta Hort. 235, 85-92 44. Laimer M., da Câmara Machado A., Mattanovich D., Regner F., Hanzer V., Steinkellner H., Durniok B., Himmler G. and Katinger H. 1989. Expression of the Plum Pox Virus coat protein in Nicotiana clevelandii. Acta Hort. 280, 577-580 45. Rücker W., Maier R., Laimer M. 1986. Isoelektrische Peroxydasemuster in Gewebekulturen von Nicotiana und Datura unter dem Einfluss von Blei, Cadmium, Parathion und 2,4-D. Elektrophorese Forum 86, 336-341 46. Polzer I., Laimer M., Rücker W. 1983. Regeneration und Vermehrung ganzer Pflanzen "in vitro". Scientia Pharmaceutica, Sonderdruck 51: 4.

Oral Contributions to Conferences and Symposia

47. Marzban G, Maghuly F, Laimer M. (2009): Functional genomics of allergen gene families in fruits. International Conference on Foodomics, 28- 29, May, Cesena 48. Hemmer W., Focke M., Marzban G., Mayer D., Laimer M. and Jarisch R. 2009. Identifikation von Feige (Ficus carica) und anderen Maulbeergewächsen als wichtige Birkenpollen-assoziierte Nahrungsmittel, Mainzer Allergieworkshop, March 19.-20. Mainz, Germany. 49. Laimer M. 2008. Biotechnological approaches to fruit related allergens. In: Pavao M.L., Abstracts XVIth National Congress of Biochemistry, Oct. 22-25, Ponta Delgada. 50. Laimer M. 2008. Biotechnologische Ansätze zur Erzeugung von Virusresistenz. Pflaumen & Zwetschen: Perspektiven in der Züchtung, dem Anbau und der Vermarktung Festkolloquium ad honorem Dr. Walter Hartmann, 11. 09, TU München, Weihenstephan 51. Laimer M. 2008. Grundlagen der Gentechnik: Methoden und Anwendungsbereiche . 2. Kolloquium der Vereinigung der Bäckerbranche, 9.-10. Juni, Zauchensee 52. Marzban G., Herndl A., Maghuly F., Hemmer W. and Laimer M. 2008. Identification of four IgE-reactive proteins from raspberry (Rubus idaeus L.). Pirquet Club, 5. June. General Hospital of Vienna, Vienna, Austria. 53. Laimer M. and Maghuly F. 2008. Contributions of biotechnological tools to the conservation of valuable germplasm. Second world scientific congress: Challenges in Botanical research and climate change, 29. June-4. July, Delft. 54. Marzban G., Herndl A., Maghuly F., Katinger H. and Laimer M. 2007. From Study Design to Sample Preparation (Plant tissue) Austrian Proteomic Association (AuPA) Current Topics Course. 25.-27. March, Technical University of Vienna, Vienna, Austria. 55. Khan MA., Mendonça D., Borroto Fernandez E.G., Maghuly F., Marzban G., Katinger H., Laimer M. 2007. New views on phatogen derived resistance (PDR). In: European Meeting on Plum Pox, 24.-28. September, Pula, Croatia. 56. Marzban G., Herndl A., Maghuly F., Kolarich D., Hemmer W., Katinger H., Laimer M. 2007. Mapping of fruit allergens by two dimensional electrophoresis and immuno-detection. ÖGBT Jahrestagung, 15.-16. November, Graz, Austria. 57. Laimer M. 2007. Österreich – Zukunftsstandort der Biotechnologie – Podiumsdiskussion „ Entwicklungspotential der Biotechnologie in Österreich“ 31. 8. Forum Alpbach. 58. Laimer M. 2007. Biotechnology for virus resistance breeding in grapevine. UNIDO E-Biosafety Master. Ancona, 18. – 25. July 2007. 59. Drumonde Neves J., Mendonça D., Laimer M., Popowich E., Steniczka G., Hanzer V., Da Câmara Machado A., 2007. Biotechnological approaches to conservation, propagation and breeding of endemic tree species from the Azorean archipelago IUFRO Tree Biotechnology Congress, 3.-8. June, Ponta Delgada. 60. Laimer M. 2007. Überlegungen zu Bekämpfungsstrategien gegen Quarantäne-Organismen: Anlassfall Apfeltriebsucht. Obstbauseminar des Vereins der Absolventen Landwirtschaftlicher Schulen. 29. 1. 2007. Lichtenstern. Südtirol. 61. Maghuly F., Leopold S., Borroto Fernandez E., Khan M., Gambino G., Gribaudo I. and Laimer da Câmara Machado M. 2006. What do we learn from the molecular characterization of grapevine plants transformed with GFLV resistance genes? In: ICVG: 15th Meeting of the ICVG, 3.-6. April 2006, Stellenbosch. 62. Marzban G., Herndl A., Mansfeld A., Maghuly F., Stoyanova E., Katinger H. and Laimer M. 2006. Screening of major allergens in strawberry and blueberry. COST 863, Euroberry, 27.-30. September, Barcelona. 63. Maghuly F., Borroto Fernandez E. G., Leopold S., Pedryc A., Katinger H. and Laimer M. 2006. Simple Sequence Repeat (SSR) analysis for assessment of genetic variability in apricot cultivars. In: IAPTC & B: Regionale wissenschaftliche Konferenz Pflanzenbiotechnologie IAPTC&B-Sektionen Österreichs, Deutschlands und der Schweiz, 22.-24. März, Wien. 64. Maghuly F., Leopold S., Borroto Fernandez E., Schartl A., Katinger H. und Laimer M. 2006. Molekulare Charakterisierung transgener Reben zur Induktion von Virusresistenz. In: IAPTC & B: Regionale wissenschaftliche Konferenz Pflanzenbiotechnologie IAPTC&B – Sektionen Österreichs, Deutschlands und der Schweiz, 22.-24. März, Wien, Book of Anstracts: 9. 65. Laimer M., Mendonça D., Maghuly F., Marzban G., Leopold S., Khan M., Balla I and Katinger H. 2006. Biotechnologische Anwendungen bei Obstgehölzen. In: IAPTC & B: Regionale wissenschaftliche Konferenz Pflanzenbiotechnologie IAPTC&B – Sektionen Österreichs, Deutschlands und der Schweiz, 22.-24. März, Wien, Book of Anstracts: 7. 66. Marzban G. Mansfeld A., Herndl A., Maghuly F., Stoyanova E., Katinger H. and Laimer M. 2006. Detection of major allergens in Rubus sp. COST 863, Euroberry, 27.-30. September, Barcelona. 67. Herndl A., Marzban G., Mansfeld A., Stoyanova E., Katinger H., Laimer da Camara Machado M.. 2006. Identification of apple allergens: a comparative proteomic approach 4th Austrian Proteome Research Symposium, 20-21.9.2006. Vienna. 68. Laimer M. 2006. Allergens in small fruits: An issue for risk assessment.1. World Congress of Public Health and Nutrition. Barcelona, Spain, September 28-30, 2006. 69. Maghuly F., Leopold S., Borroto Fernandez E., Khan M., Gambino G., Gribaudo I. and Laimer da Câmara Machado M. 2006. What do we learn from the molecular characterization of grapevine plants transformed with GFLV resistance genes? 15th Meeting of the ICVG, Stellenbosch, 3.- 6. April, Abstracts book, 62-64. 70. Maghuly F., Leopold S., Khan M.A., Borroto Fernandez E., Drumonde Neves J. and Laimer M. 2005. Molecular charcterization of transgenic grapevines carrying nepovirus genes. In: EHS: 5. Symp. Phytomedizin und Pflanzenschutz im Gartenbau, 29.-30. September 2005, Wien. 71. Borroto Fernandez E.G., Torres Acosta J.A., Reytor Saavedra E. and Laimer M. 2005. Pineapple mealybug wilt associated virus in Cuba. 5. Symp. Phytomedizin und Pflanzenschutz im Gartenbau, Sept., Vienna, Abstracts book, 53-54. 72. Laimer M., Hanzer V., Balla I., and Katinger H. Phytosanitary improvement of Prunus persica by in vitro techniques. 2005. 5. Symp. Phytomedizin und Pflanzenschutz im Gartenbau, Sept. 2005, Vienna, Abstracts book 74-75. 73. Laimer M. 2005. Plant Biotechnology Past-Present-Future. Festsymposium 60 Jahre IAM. September, Vienna. 74. Laimer M., Pejic I., Borroto-Fernandez E., Hanzer V., Fenino E. and Katinger H. In vitro sanitation of an old Croatian grapevine cultivar. 5. Symp. Phytomedizin und Pflanzenschutz im Gartenbau, Sept., Vienna, Abstracts book 27-28. 75. Laimer M., Maghuly F., Khan M.A., Leopold S., Katinger H. 2005. Development of transgenic temperate fruit trees and grapevines for virus resistance. XVII IBC, Vienna. 17.-23. 7. Abstract Book 39. 76. Laimer M., Borroto E., Hanzer V., Balla I., Katinger H. 2005. In vitro collection and sanitation of valuable germplasm of temperate fruit trees. XVII IBC, Vienna. 17.-23. 7. Abstract Book, 128. 77. Marzban G., Ma Y., Hoffmann-Sommergruber K., Breiteneder H., Radauer C., Martinelli A., Zaccarini M., Laimer M. 2005. Characterisation of different allergens in Rosaceous Fruits. XVII IBC, Vienna. 17.-23. 7., Abstract Book, 229. 78. Gao Z.S., van de Weg W.E., Schaart J.G., Schouten H.J., Tran D.H., Kodde L., van der Meer I.M., van der Geest A.H.M., Kodde J., Laimer M., Breiteneder H., Hoffmann-Sommergruber K., Bosch D., Gilissen L.J.W.J. 2005. Genomic sequencing and linkage mapping of four classes of apple allergen genes. World DNA and Genome Day in China. 79. Ma Y., Radauer Ch, Marzban G., Hoffmann-Sommergruber K., Katinger H. and Laimer M. 2005. A 30 kDa Protein from raspberry is cross-reactive to allergens from birch pollen and apple fruits. EAACI, Munich. 80. Oberhuber Ch., Ma Y., Leitzenberger I., Bohle B., Radauer Ch., Pühringer H., Laimer M., Hoffmann-Sommergruber K. 2005. Different IgE binding activity of Mal d 1 isoforms, the major apple allergen. EAACI, Munich. 81. Laimer M., Maghuly F., Ruthner S., Bisztray G., Pedryc A. 2005. Microsatellite characterization of apricot (Prunus armeniaca L.) cultivars grown in Central Europe. In: XIII th International Symposium on apricot breeding and culture, 13.-17. June, Murcia, Spain. 82. Laimer M., Maghuly F., Khan M.A., Leopold S., Katinger H. 2005. Development of transgenic temperate fruit trees and grapevines for virus resistance. In: IBC: XVII IBC, 17.-23. July, Vienna. 83. Laimer M., Mendonça D., Maghuly F., Marzban G., Leopold S., Khan M., Kirilla Z., Balla I. and Katinger H. 2004. Biotechnology of temperate fruit trees. In: A. Kodolny: Intl. Review Conference Biotechnology, 14.-18. November, Wien. 84. Maghuly F., da Câmara Machado A., Ruthner Sz., Pedryc A., Bisztray G., Katinger H. and Laimer M. 2004. Microsatellite analyses for the characterisation of Pannonian apricots. In: IVCHB: V. IVCHB Syposium: In vitro culture and horticultural breeding, 12.-16. September, Debrecen, Hungary. 85. Maghuly F., da Câmara Machado A., Ruthner Sz., Pedryc A., Laimer M. 2004. Die Verwendung von Mikrosatelliten zur Charaktersierung des Kreises pannonischer Marillen (Aprikosen). In: 41. Gartenbauwissenschaftliche Tagung, 25.-28. Februar 2004. Wien, Österreich. 86. Laimer M., Mendonça D., Maghuly F., Marzban G., Leopold S., Khan M., Kirilla Z., Balla I. and Katinger H. 2004. Biotechnology of temperate fruit trees. Intl. Review Conference Biotechnology. Vienna, 14.-18. November. 87. Laimer M. 2004. Biotechnologie und Immaterialgüterrecht: Die Sicht einer Naturwissenschaftlerin. 8. St. Galler Intl. Immaterialgüterrechtsforum IIF. 28.-29. October. 88. Laimer M., Mendonça D., da Câmara Machado A., Maghuly F., Khan M. and Katinger H. 2004. Resistance breeding against PPV in Austria: State of the art. European Meeting 04 on PPV. Rogów-Skierniewice, 1.-4. September. 89. Laimer M. 2004. The biotechnology`s contribution to meeting today`s challenges. Fifth Vienna Globalization Symposium. 13.-14. 5. 90. Marzban G., Dey R., Brynda S., Hoffmann-Sommergruber K., Ma Y., Breiteneder H., Martinelli A., Zaccarini M. and Laimer M. 2004. Verbreitung und Verteilung des Hauptallergens Mal d 1 in verschiedenen Apfelsorten. 41. Gartenbauwissenschaftliche Tagung Wien, 25.-28. 2. 91. Laimer M. 2004. Biotechnologische Methoden in der Resistenzzüchtung gegen Pathogene von Obstgehölzen. 41. Gartenbauwissenschaftliche Tagung Wien, 25.-28. 2. 92. Laimer M., Pieber K., Modl P., Mendonça D. and Balla I. 2004. Eliminierung und Detektion von Pathogenen bei Obstgehölzen. 41. Gartenbauwissenschaftliche Tagung Wien, 25.-28. 2. 93. Laimer M. 2003. Virus resistance breeding in grapevine. 14. Meeting of the ICVG, Locorotondo 12. – 17. September 2003. Italy. 94. Laimer M., Dey R., Martinelli A., Marzio Z. 2003. Detection and localisation of apple allergens in different cultivars raised under different growing conditions. SAFE Workshop, Vienna, 19. May. 95. Laimer M. 2003. The GMO Debate: The European Responses. 4. Transatlantic Partnership Conference ICA/NASULGC Beauvais, 2.-3. April. 96. Laimer M. 2003. Plant food allergies: field to table strategies for educing their incidence in Europe. Forum Agrosanté: From healthy eating to healthy farming. Beauvais, 1.- 2. April. 97. Laimer M. 2002. Gentransfer bei Obst- Stand der Dinge und Perspektiven. Seminar am Pädagogischen Institut St. Pölten, 14. November. 98. Laimer M. 2002. Characterisation of transgenic fruit trees and analyses of direct and indirect biological interactions. OECD Workshop Dissemination of GMOs in Agro-Ecosystems. Großrußbach 27.-28. Sept. Abstracts book16. 99. Gribaudo I., Scariot V., Gambino G., Schubert A., Gölles R. and Laimer M. 2002. Transformation of Vitis vinifera L. cv Nebbiolo with the coat protein gene of Grapevine FanLeaf Virus (GFLV). VII International Conference on Grape Genetics and Breeding, 26-31 August, Kecskemét, Hungary. 100. Arthofer W., Hanzer V., Balla I., Paltrinieri S., Botti S., Bertaccini A. and Laimer M. 2002. Improved in vitro methods for the elimination and detection of European Stone Fruit Yellows (ESFY) from apricot planting material. Intl. Congr. Of the Intl. Organisation for Mycoplasmology (IOM), 7.-12. July , Vienna. Book of Abstracts, 33-34. 101. Laimer M. 2002. Pflanzenbiotechnologie II: Transgenes Steinobst. Öffentliche Vorlesung an der HTBL uVA Mödling, Science Week. 10. 06. 102. Laimer M. 2002. Transgenes Steinobst. Seminar für ARGE Steirische Biologielehrer, Graz, 5. Februar. 103. Laimer M. 2001. Gentransfer bei Obst. Seminar für Lehrer an AHS und BMHS zum Thema Gentechnik, Oberpullendorf, 6. März. 104. Laimer M. 2001. Transgenes Steinobst der Universität für Bodenkultur. Seminar für Lehrer an HLBLA zum Thema Gentechnik und Landwirtschaft- Neue Entwicklungen, Wieselburg, 2. Oktober. 105. Laimer M. 2001. Gene transfer in fruit trees: state of the art and perspectives. Life Sciences 2001. Joint Meeting ÖGBM, ÖGGGT, ÖGBT, EMBNet Vienna, 24.-25. September. 106. Pühringer H., Zinöcker I., Mota M., Katinger H. and Laimer M. 2001. Strategy towards the identification of the biological function of apple PR-10 protein. Life Sciences 2001. Joint Meeting ÖGBM, ÖGGGT, ÖGBT, EMBNet Vienna, 31. September. 107. Laimer da Câmara Machado M. 2000. Methoden und Auswirkungen der Gentechnik im Obstbau. Obstlandschaften- ein paradiesisches Erbe mit Zukunft. Schloß Ranshofen/ Braunau 20.-21. October. 108. Laimer da Câmara Machado M. 2000. Pathogen-mediated resistance in woody species (Prunus and Vitis). The World Congress on Biotechnology. Berlin 3.-8. September. Abstract book 1, 291. 109. Laimer da Câmara Machado M., Heinrich M., Hanzer V., Arthofer W., Strommer S., Paltrinieri S., Martini M., Bertaccini A., Kummert J. and D. Davies 2000. Improved detection of viruses and phytoplasmas in fruit tree tissue cultures. 18. Intl. Symp. On Virus and Virus-like diseases of temperate fruit crops. Canterbury, 9.-15. July. 110. Gölles R., da Câmara Machado A., Minafra A., Gribaudo I., Savino V., Saldarelli G., Martelli G.P., Katinger H. and Laimer da Câmara Machado M. 2000. Fighting Grapevine Fanleaf Disease and the Rugose Wood Complex by Transgenic Expression of Viral Sequences. 6th International Symposium on Grapevine Physiology and Biotechnology, Heraklion (Greece), 11.-15. June. 111. Gölles R., da Câmara Machado A., Minafra A., Gribaudo I., Saldarelli P, Savino V., Martelli G.P., Katinger H. und Laimer da Câmara Machado M. 2000. Pathogen-derived Virus resistance in Grapevine: expression of viral coat protein genes in transgenic Vitis sp. 13. Meeting of the ICVG, Adelaide 12. -17. March. Adelaide. 112. Laimer da Câmara Machado M. 2000. Anwendungen und zukünftige Entwicklungen der Gentechnik im Bereich der Landwirtschaft. Risikoabschätzung (am Beispiel Obstgehölze) – gesetzliche Regelungen. Seminar für Lehrer an berufsbildenden mittleren und höheren Schulen zum Thema Gentechnik pro und kontra, St. Pölten, 10. März. 113. da Câmara Machado A. and Laimer da Câmara Machado M. 1999. Expression viraler Sequenzen in holzigen Nutzpflanzen zur Induktion von Resistenzen gegen Viren. 50. Tagung der Vereinigung österreichischer Pflanzenzüchter, Gumpenstein, 23.-25. November Tagungsbericht, Abstract book, 73-75. 114. da Câmara Machado A. and Laimer da Câmara Machado M. 1999. Esperienze di trasformazione genetica presso l´Istituto di Microbiolgia Applicata dell´Università di Agraria di Vienna. Seminario all´Università di Agraria di Torino, Grugliasco, 5. November. 115. da Câmara Machado A. and Laimer da Câmara Machado M. 1999. Trasformazione genetica di fruttiferi per l´induzione di resistenza a virus. Seminario all´Università di Agraria di Bologna, November. 116. Laimer da Câmara Machado M. 1999. Anwendungen und zukünftige Entwicklungen der Gentechnik, speziell im Bereich der Landwirtschaft. Seminar für Lehrer an berufsbildenden mittleren und höheren Schulen zum Thema Gentechnologie Weiz, 15. Oktober. 117. da Câmara Machado A. and Laimer da Câmara Machado M. 1999. Expression viraler Sequenzen in Steinobstgehölzen zur Induktion von Resistenzen gegen blattlausübertragene Viren (PPV). 2. Symposium Phytomedizin und Pflanzenschutz im Gartenbau, Wien, 27.-30. September, Beitragsband 47- 49. 118. Gölles R., da Câmara Machado A., Moser R., Minafra A., Savino V., Saldarelli P., Martelli G.P., Katinger H. und Laimer da Câmara Machado M. 1999. Pathogen-vermittelte Virusresistenzzüchtung in Reben unter besonderer Berücksichtigung der biologischen Sicherheit. 2. Symposium Phytomedizin und Pflanzenschutz im Gartenbau, Wien, 27.-30. September, Beitragsband, 47- 49. 119. da Câmara Machado A. and Laimer da Câmara Machado M. 1999. Stand und Perspektiven des Gentransfers bei Obstgehölzen. Fachgespräch „Freisetzung transgener Gehölze – Stand, Probleme, Perspektiven“.Berlin, 20.-21. September. 120. da Câmara Machado A. and Laimer da Câmara Machado M. 1999. Genetically Modified Fruit Trees. OECD Workshop „Environmental considerations - Genetically Modified Trees“, Trondheim, Norway 13.-15. September. 121. Gölles R., da Câmara Machado A., Gribaudo I., Moser R., Minafra A., Savino V., Saldarelli P., Martelli G.P., Katinger H. und Laimer da Câmara Machado M. 1999. Transformation of Vitis sp. With coat protein gene sequences of four different grapevine viruses and regeneration and characterization of transgenic plants. DPG Arbeitskreis „Viruskrankheiten der Pflanze“. Freising, 9.-10. September. 122. Pühringer, H., Hoffmann-Sommergruber K., Watillon B., Katinger H., and Laimer da Câmara Machado M. 1999. The promoter of an apple Ypr10 gene, encoding the major allergen Mal d 1, is stress- and pathogen-inducible. COST 822 WG IV "Molecular Apects of Differentiation and Transformation", Angra do Heroismo, Terceira, Acores, September. 123. da Câmara Machado A., Katinger H. and Laimer da Câmara Machado M. 1999. Pathogen-mediated resistance breeding against Plum Pox Virus. Intl. Fachtagung „Entwicklungen im Marillenanbau“ HBLVA, Klosterneuburg 20.-21. 5. 124. Laimer da Câmara Machado M. 1999. Sicherheitsbewertung von genetisch veränderten Organismen: Fallbeispiel virusresistente Pflanzen. in Fortbildungskurs: Sicherheit und Zuverlässigkeit. Institut für Konstruktiven Ingenieurbau, Universität für Bodenkultur 29.-30 January, Heft 38/ Jänner 99 IKI Veröffentlichung. 125. da Câmara Machado A. and Laimer da Câmara Machado M. 1999. The development of transformation of woody crop species. 1898 - 1998: Symposium in memory of the 100th anniversary of the foundation of tissue culture by Gottlieb Haberlandt. Vienna, 8.-9. October 1998. In Vitro Plant 35, 164. 126. Gölles R., da Câmara Machado A., Minafra A., Savino V., Saldarelli G., Martelli G.P., Pühringer H., Katinger H. and Laimer da Câmara Machado M. 1998. Transgenic grapevines expressing coat protein gene sequences of grapevine fanleaf virus, arabis mosaic virus, grapevine virus A and grapevine virus B. Proceed. VIIth International Symposium on Grapevine Genetics and Breeding, Montpellier (France), 6-10 July 1998. A. Bouquet and J. M. Boursiquot (eds.) 263-268. 127. da Câmara Machado A. and Laimer da Câmara Machado M. 1998. Expression viraler Sequenzen in holzigen Nutzpflanzen zur Induktion von Resistenzen gegen blattlaus- bzw. nematodenübertragene Viren. in occasion of the Rudolf Hermann Award in Viticulture and Horticulture. 26.6. Geisenheim. 128. Laimer da Câmara Machado M. 1998. Einsatz gentechnischer Methoden im Pflanzenschutz. Workshop: Pflanzenschutz, 8. Mai 1998. University of Agricultural Sciences, Vienna. 129. Gölles R., da Câmara Machado A., Moser R., Katinger H. und Laimer da Câmara Machado M. 1998. Pathogen-vermittelte Resistenzzüchtung bei Reben am Beispiel der Reisigkrankheit. 1. Fachtagung über aktuelle Forschung im österreichischen Weinbau, 31. March, Wien. 130. Pühringer H. and Laimer da Câmara Machado M. 1997. Total RNA extraction protocol effective for woody material. COST 823 WG II "Nucleic-acid based Technology", Cambridge, June 1997. 131. Beja Pereira A., Laimer da Câmara Machado M. and da Câmara Machado A. 1997. Caracterização Molecular através de Microssatélites da raça Ramo Grande. Congresso Nacional de Zootecnia, Bragança. 132. da Câmara Machado A., Mendonça D., Lopes M.S. and Laimer da Câmara Machado M. 1997. Importância das viroses na produção frutícola e vitícola. Organized by Associação de Jovens Agricultores da Ilha Graciosa. Graciosa-Açores, 28. July. 133. Gölles R., da Câmara Machado A., Moser R., Katinger H. und Laimer da Câmara Machado M. 1997. Pathogen-vermittelte Resistenzzüchtung gegen die Reisigkrankheit der Rebe. Österreichische Pflanzenschutztage, Tulln, 3.- 4. December. 134. da Câmara Machado A., Gölles R., Moser R., Katinger H. and Laimer da Câmara Machado M. 1997. Biotechnological approaches to Grapevine Virus Resistance Breeding. 12. Meeting of the Intl. Council for the Study of Viruses and Virus-like Diseases of the Grapevine (ICVG), October 1997, Lisboa. 135. Knapp E., Hanzer V., Mendonça D., da Câmara Machado A., Pühringer H., Katinger H. and Laimer da Câmara Machado M. 1996. Distribution of PPV in developing fruits of Prunus armeniaca. 3. Middle European Meeting on Plum Pox Virus, Budapest 2.- 4. October. 136. da Câmara Machado A., Pühringer H., Gölles R., Katinger H. and Laimer da Câmara Machado M. 1996. Regeneration and Genetic Transformation of Plants. Joint Meeting COST 8.21 -8.22 "Novel biotechnological approaches to plant production: from sterile root to mycorrhizosphere". Pisa, 14.-15. June. 137. Laimer da Câmara Machado M. 1995. Möglichkeiten und Grenzen der Gentechnologie im Obstbau. 21. Bundesseminar Steinobst, Ahrweiler 10.- 14. December. 138. da Câmara Machado A., Gölles R., Moser R., Pühringer H., Katinger H. and Laimer da Câmara Machado M. 1995. Agrobacterium-vermittelte Transformation von somatischen Embryonen von Vitis vinifera L.-Genotypen als Methode zur Produktion von transgenen Pflanzen. Österreichische Pflanzenschutztage, Tulln 29.- 30. November. 139. da Câmara Machado A., Knapp E., Pühringer H., Hanzer V., Weiss H., Katinger H. and Laimer da Câmara Machado M. 1995. Gentransfermethoden zur pathogen-vermitttelten Resistenzzüchtung gegen Viren in Obstgehölzen. Österreichische Pflanzenschutztage, Tulln 29. - 30. November. 140. Knapp E., Hanzer V., Weiss H., da Câmara Machado A., Katinger H. and Laimer da Câmara Machado M. 1995. Diagnose und Eliminierung von Viruserkrankungen aus Obstgehölzen. Österreichische Pflanzenschutztage, Tulln 29. - 30. November. 141. Pühringer H., Moll, D., Hoffmann-Sommergruber, K., Watillon, B. and Laimer da Câmara Machado M. 1995. Cloning and characterization of an allergen gene in apple. COST 822 WG IV "Molecular Apects of Differentiation and Transformation", Vienna, September. 142. da Câmara Machado A., Knapp E., Pühringer H., Hanzer V., Weiss H., Katinger H. and Laimer da Câmara Machado M. 1995. Gene transfer methods for the pathogen-mediated resistance breeding in fruit trees. Conference on Plant in vitro Culture in Memory of the 50th Anniversary of Gottlieb Haberlandt`s Death. Mosonmagyaróvár. 1.-3. September. 143. Knapp E., Hanzer V., Weiss H., da Câmara Machado A., Katinger H., and Laimer da Câmara Machado M. 1995. Distribution of PPV in woody host plants in-vitro - consequences for detection and elimination. 2. Middle European Meeting on Plum Pox Virus, Langenlois 17. 7.- 19.July. 144. da Câmara Machado A., Tsolova V., Gölles R., Pühringer H., Atanassov A., Katinger H. and Laimer da Câmara Machado M. 1995. Agrobacterium-mediated transformation of somatic embryos of Vitis vinifera L. genotypes as a method for production of transgenic plants. VII Intl. Symp. on Vine and Wine, Plovdiv, Bulgaria, 6.- 8. February. 145. da Câmara Machado A., Tsolova V., Gölles R., Pühringer H., Atanassov A., Katinger H. and Laimer da Câmara Machado M. 1995. Transformation des embryos somatique de Vitis vinifera L. par Agrobacterium et Regeneration des plantes transgeniques. 3. Symp. de Vitivinicultura do Alentejo, Evora, Portugal, 17.-19. Mai. 146. Tsolova V., da Câmara Machado A., Gölles R., Pühringer H., Atanassov A., Katinger H. and Laimer da Câmara Machado M. 1995. Plant regeneration by organogenesis and embryogenesis in Vitis sp. VII Intl. Symp. On Vine and Wine, Plovdiv, Bulgaria, 6.- 8. February. 147. Tsolova V., da Câmara Machado A., Gölles R., Pühringer H., Atanassov A., Katinger H. and Laimer da Câmara Machado M. 1995. Régéneration des plantes de Vitis sp. par organogénèse et embryogénèse. 3. Symp. de Vitivinicultura do Alentejo, Evora, Portugal, 17.- 19. Mai. 148. Laimer da Câmara Machado M. 1994. Anwendung der Biotechnik in der Botanik. Biotechnologie, Wien 14. - 17. 3. 1994. 149. Knapp E., Hanzer V., Weiss H., da Câmara Machado A., Wang Q., Weiss B., Katinger H. and Laimer da Câmara Machado M. 1994. New aspects of virus elimination in fruit trees. XVI ISHS Symposium on Fruit Tree Viruses. Rome. 150. da Câmara Machado A., Knapp E., Pühringer H., Hanzer V., Weiss H., Katinger H. and Laimer da Câmara Machado M. 1994. Progress in pathogen mediated-resistance breeding against Plum Pox Virus. XVI ISHS Symposium on Fruit Tree Viruses. Rome. 151. da Câmara Machado A., Knapp E., Seifert G., Pühringer H., Hanzer V., Weiss H., Katinger H. and Laimer da Câmara Machado M. 1994. Gene transfer methods for the pathogen mediated resistance breeding in fruit trees. XXIV ISHS Congress, Kyoto. 152. da Câmara Machado A., Knapp E., Pühringer H., Hanzer V., Weiss H., Katinger H. and Laimer da Câmara Machado M. 1994. The approach of pathogen-mediated resistance breeding against plum pox potyvirus in stonefruit trees. Intl. Conf. on Plant Virology, dedicated to the 100th anniversary of Prof. D. Atanassov, September, Troyan, Bulgaria. 153. Vanek-Krebitz M., Ferris R., Laimer M., Scheiner O. and Breiteneder H. 1994. cDNA cloning and expression of Mald1, the major apple allergen, in E. coli. Jt. Österr. Ges. Allerg. und Immunol., November, Wien. 154. Laimer M. 1994. The contribution of transgenosis to the improvement of fruit trees and grapevine. Invited talk: FAO - I.A.M. Valenzano. 155. da Câmara Machado A., Katinger H. and Laimer da Câmara Machado M. 1993. Coat protein-mediated protection against Plum Pox Virus in herbaceous model plants and transformation of apricot and plum. Eucarpia Fruit Breeding Section Meeting. Wädenswil. 156. Steinkellner H., da Câmara Machado A., Gölles R. and Laimer da Câmara Machado M. 1993. Genetically engineered Virus resistance I: Protection of herbaceous plants. ÖGG and ÖGGGT Tagung, Wien, September, V 6. 157. da Câmara Machado A., Steinkellner H., Regner F., Knapp E., Katinger H. and Laimer da Câmara Machado M. 1993. Genetically engineered Virus resistance II: Transformation of woody species. ÖGG and ÖGGGT Tagung, Wien, September, V7. 158. Laimer M. 1993. The contribution of transgenosis to the improvement of fruit trees and grapevine. Invited talk: FAO - I.A.M. Valenzano. 159. Laimer M. 1992. The contribution of transgenosis to the improvement of fruit trees and grapevine. Invited talk: FAO - I.A.M. Valenzano / 25. January. 160. Laimer da Câmara Machado M., da Câmara Machado A., Regner F., Steinkellner H., Hanzer V., Weiss H., Mattanovich D., Knapp E., Plail R. and Katinger H. 1992. Coat protein-mediated protection in Nicotiana clevelandii and Nicotiana benthamiana and regeneration of transgenic plants of Prunus armeniaca containing the coat protein gene of Plum Pox Virus. Hexagonale, Graz, April. 161. Laimer da Câmara Machado M., da Câmara Machado A., Hanzer V., Weiss H., Regner F., Steinkellner H., Plail R., Knapp E., Katinger H. 1992. Coat protein-mediated protection against Plum Pox Virus. 2. ISHS Symp. on in vitro Culture and Horticultural Breeding Baltimore, June. 162. Laimer da Câmara Machado M., da Câmara Machado A., Hanzer V., Weiss H., Regner F., Steinkellner H., Knapp E. und Katinger H. 1992. Cross Protection: Ein Beitrag zur Züchtung Sharka-resistenter Pflanzen. 43. Tagung der Vereinigung Österreichischer Pflanzenzüchter, Gumpenstein, 24.- 26. November. 163. Seifert GJ, Kanzler P, da Camara Machado A, Hanzer V, Weiß H, Regner F, Plail R, Knapp E and Laimer da Camara Machado M. 1992. Confocal Laser Scanning Microscopical observations of the adventitious root formation in Jork M9 stem discs. COST 87 "Rooting Working Group" Meeting, Dijon, June, Report of the 1992 Activities of COST 8.10 (BRIDGE), 82. 164. Laimer da Câmara Machado M., da Câmara Machado A., Mattanovich D., Regner F., Steinkellner H., Hanzer V., Weiss H., Knapp E., Katinger H. 1991. Transformation and regeneration of plants of Prunus armeniaca with the coat protein gene of Plum Pox Virus. XVth Intl. Symp. on Virus and Virus Diseases of Temperate Fruit Crops. Vienna, July. 165. Laimer M. 1991 Coat protein-mediated protection against Plum Pox Virus. 3. Intl. Congress of Plant Molecular Biology. Tucson, Arizona, 6-11 October. 166. Laimer M. 1991. Cross-Protection: Ein Beitrag zur Resistenzzüchtung gegen Sharka auf molekularer Ebene. Österreichische Pflanzenschutztage der Arbeitsgemeinschaft für Pflanzenschutz, Tulln 3.-4. December. 167. Laimer M., da Câmara Machado A., Hanzer V., Himmler G., Mattanovich D. and Katinger H.W.D. 1988. Regeneration of shoots from leaf discs of fruit trees as a tool for transformation. XIV Intl. Symp. on Fruit Tree Virus Diseases, Thessaloniki, 33. 168. Mattanovich, D., Himmler, G., Laimer, M., da Câmara Machado, A., Hanzer, V., Regner, F., Katinger, H. 1988. Expression of the Plum Pox Virus Coat Protein in Escherichia coli. XIV Intl. Symp. on Fruit Tree Virus Diseases, Thessaloniki : 44 169. Himmler G., Brix U., Laimer M., Mattanovich D. and Katinger H. 1988. ELISA and Gold-Labelled-Immunosorbent-Electronmicroscopy with plum pox virus specific monoclonal antibodies. 5th Intl. Congress of Plant Pathology. Kyoto, 20.-27.8.1988 170. Laimer M., da Câmara Machado A., Hanzer V., Mattanovich D., Himmler G. and Katinger H.W.D. 1988. Organogenesis from leaf discs of fruit trees. genetic manipulation in Plant Breeding. Intl. Congress by EUCARPIA, Helsingor, Dänemark, September 1988 : 65 171. Mattanovich D., Himmler G., Laimer M., da Câmara Machado A., Hanzer V., Regner F., Katinger H. 1988. Cloning of the Plum Pox Virus Coat Protein Region in E. coli and Plant expression vectors. Genetic Manipulation in plant Breeding. Intl. Congress BY EUCARPIA, Helsingor, Dänemark, September 1988 : 126 172. Laimer M., da Câmara Machado, A., Hanzer, V., Mattanovich, D., Himmler, G. und Katinger, H.W.D., 1988. Organogenesis from leaf discs and stem internode microcuttings of fruit trees as a tool for transformation. Les Strategies de Selection face aux Technologies Modernes. MHLV-Meeting, Versailles, September 1988 : 50 173. Laimer M., da Câmara Machado, A., Hanzer, V., Mattanovich. M., Himmler, G., Katinger, H. 1988. Organogenesis from leaf discs and stem internode microcuttings of fruit trees as a tool for transformation. 2.Intl. Congress of Plant Molecular Biology, Jerusalem, November 1988: 429 174. Mattanovich, D., Laimer, M., da Câmara Machado, A., Hanzer, V., Himmler, G., Regner, F., Katinger, H. 1988. Transformation of fruit tree material with the Plum Pox Virus Coat Protein Gene. 2. Intl. Congress of Plant Molecular Biology, Jerusalem, November 1988 : 132 175. Laimer M. 1988. In-vitro Methoden zur Verbesserung von Obstgehölzen. Österreichische Pflanzenschutztage der Arbeitsgemeinschaft für Pflanzenschutz, Tulln 30.11.-1. December. 176. Laimer M., Maier R., Rücker W. 1984. Einfluss von 2,4-D auf die Wurzelmorphologie pflanzlicher in vitro-Kulturen. Mitteilungsband Botanikertagung Wien, 74

Poster Presentations

1. Marzban G., Dey R., Ma Y., Asero R., Martinelli A., Zaccarini M. and Laimer M. 2004. Different apple cultivars showing a markedly different content in Mal d 1. ÖGAI Annual Meeting 2004 Vienna, 2.-4. December, Book of Abstracts, P-10, 90. 2. Maghuly F., da Câmara Machado A., Ruthner Sz., Pedryc A., Bisztray G., Katinger H. and Laimer M. 2004. Microsytellite analyses for the characterisation of Pannonian apricots. V. IVCHB Syposium: In vitro culture and horticultural breeding. Debrecen, 12.-16. September, 204. 3. Laimer M., Mendonça D., Hanzer V., Kirilla Z., and Balla I. 2004. Elimination and detection of pathogens from tissue cultures of Prunus sp. V. IVCHB Syposium: In vitro culture and horticultural breeding. Debrecen, 12.-16. September, 130. 4. Laimer M., Mendonça D., Myrta A., Boscia D. and Katinger H. 2004. Molecular characterisation of Austrian PPV isolates. European Meeting 04 on Plum Pox Virus. Rogow-Skierniewice, 1.- 4. September. 5. Asero R., Marzban G., Dey R., Zaccarini M., Martinelli A., Bolhaar S. and Laimer M. 2004. In vivo assessment of the allergenicity of two apple cultivars showing a markedly different content in Mal d 1 in vitro. 13th EAACI Congress. Amsterdam, 12.-16. June. 6. Asero R., Marzban G., Dey R., Zaccarini M., Martinelli A., Bolhaar S. and Laimer M. 2004. Do apple cultivars showing a markedly different content in Mal d 1 in vitro give different allergenic responses in vivo? 9th Intl. Symposium on Immunological, Chemical and Clinical Problems of Food Allergy, Budapest 18 - 21. April. 7. Marzban G., Dey R., Brynda S., Pühringer H., Hoffmann-Sommergruber K., Ma Y., Breiteneder H., Fernandez Rivas M., Martinelli A., Zaccarini M., Asero R. and Laimer M. 2003. Detection and Distribution of apple allergens in ripening fruits and allergic patients reactions. ÖGAI Annual Meeting 2003 Salzburg, December 4-6, 2003, Book of Abstracts: P-57: 134. 8. Marzban G., Dey R., Brynda S., Hoffmann-Sommergruber K., Ma Y., Breiteneder H., Bohle B., Martinelli A., Zaccarini M., van Ree R., Zuidmeer L., Knulst A., Fernandez Rivas M., Gonzales-Mancebo E., Asero R., Mills C. and Laimer M. 2003. Distribution of the major apple allergen Mal d 1 in different apple cultivars and allergic patients reactions. ÖGAI Annual Meeting 2003 Salzburg, December 4-6, 2003, Book of Abstracts: P-58: 135.G. 9. Dey R., Pühringer H., Hoffmann-Sommergruber K., Ma Y., Breiteneder H., Fernandez Rivas M., Martinelli A., Zaccarini M. and Laimer M. 2003. Detection and Distribution of apple allergens in ripening fruits and some patients reactions. 7th Intl. Congress of Plant Mol. Biol., Barcelona June 2003, Book of Abstracts: S27-11: 392. 10. Laimer M. 2002. Virus resistance in transgenic fruit trees: the technical feasibility, the environmental impact, the public acceptance. 10th IAPTC&B Congress: Plant Biotechnology 2002 and beyond. 23. – 28. June 2002, Orlando. P 1022. 11. Balla I., Kriston É., Tóth E., Arthofer W., Hanzer V. and Laimer M. 2002. Detection of the phytosanitary status of stone fruit cultivars under in vitro conditions in Hungary. 6th Conference of European Foundation for Plant Pathology (EFPP). 9. – 14. Sept. 2002, Prag. 12. Pühringer H., Hoffmann-Sommergruber K., Breiteneder H., Zinöcker I. and Laimer M. 2001. Plant food allergies: field to table strategies to reduce their incidence in Europe. Int. BOKU-Congress 18 – 21 Nov 2001, Vienna, Austria. 13. Kaydamov C., Mota M., Druart P., Katinger H. and Laimer M. 2001. Isolation of abundant cDNAs from somatic embryos of Prunus incisa x serrula using differential display. Abstract Book Life Sciences 2001. Vienna, September 2001. P4: 66. 14. Mota M., Kaydamov C., Pühringer H., Katinger H. and Laimer M. 2001. Gene expression analysis in apple cultivar „Florina“ upon Venturia inaequalis interaction by differential display. Abstract Book Life Sciences 2001. Vienna, September 2001. P 50: 46. 15. Gölles R., Minafra A., Savino V., Martelli G.P., Katinger H. and Laimer M. 2001. Combating viral diseases in grapevine be the transgenic expression of viral sequences. Life Sciences 2001. Joint Meeting ÖGBM, ÖGGGT, ÖGBT, EMBNet Vienna, September 2001. P44: 45. 16. Pühringer H., Mota M., Zinöcker I., Katinger H. and Laimer M. 2001. Search for a putative ligand of the apple PR-10 protein. 6th Int. Workshop on PR-Proteins. Spa, May 20-24, Belgium. 17. Paudel K.C., Pieber K., Klumpp R. and Laimer da Câmara Machado M. 2000. Promotion of Lapsi Tree (Choerospondias axillaris, Roxb.) for Fruit Production in Nepal. Intl. Conf. And Workshop Food Security of Urban and Peri-Urban Systems in Developing Countries, Vienna, November 2000. Ext. Abstracts 42- 43. 18. Bertaccini A., Carraro L., Davies. D.L., Laimer da Câmara Machado M., Martini M., Paltrinieri S., Seemüller E. 2000. Micropropagation of a collection of phytoplasma strains in periwinkle and other host plants. EFPP2000, Taormina 18. – 22. September. P122. 19. Mota M., Pühringer H., Zinnöcker I., Kaydamov C. Katinger H. and Laimer da Câmara Machado M. 2000. Alternative strategies to fight apple scab. Abstracts of the ISHS Symp. on Apple Breeding for Scab Resistance, Trento, 14. – 16. September 2000. 20. Bertaccini A., Carraro L., Davies. D.L., Laimer da Câmara Machado M., Martini M., Paltrinieri S., Seemüller E. 2000. Micropropagation of a collection of phytoplasma strains in periwinkle and other host plants. 13th International Congress of IOM, ACROS Fukuoka, Japan, July 14-19 2000: 101. 21. Pühringer H., Zinnöcker I., Katinger H. and Laimer da Câmara Machado M. 2000. Strategy towards the identification of the biological function of the apple PR-10 protein. Abstracts of the 6th Intl. Congress of Plant Molecular Biology, Quebec 18. –24. 6. 2000. S22-79. 22. Laimer da Câmara Machado M., Kummert J., Candresse T., Jelkmann W., Cassells A., Bertaccini A., van den Heuvel J.F.J.M., Davies. D.L. 1999. Health certification of rosaceous species based on disease-indexing of in vitro plants: validation of diagnostics and diagnostic strategies. ISHS Conference on Methods and Markers for Quality Assurance in Micropropagation. Cork. 24-27 August 1999. Abstracts: 104-106. 23. da Câmara Machado A., Druart P., Brazda M., Pühringer H., Watillon B., Boxus P., Katinger H. and Laimer da Câmara Machado M. 1999. Routine transformation via secondary embryogenesis in cherry rootstocks. 1898 - 1998: Symposium in memory of the 100th anniversary of the foundation of tissue culture by Gottlieb Haberlandt. Vienna, 8. - 9. October 1998. In Vitro Plant 35 (2): 170. 24. Pühringer H., Mota M., Katinger H. and Laimer da Câmara Machado M. 1999. Molecular Characterisation of the gene family coding for polygalacturonase inhibiting protein (PGIP) in Prunus and Malus species. Poster Abstracts of the 13th John Innes Symposium, Norwich 20. –23. 7. 1999, 3. 25. Gölles R., Moser R., da Câmara Machado A., Katinger H. and Laimer da Câmara Machado M. 1999. Viral resistance in Nicotiana benthamina expressing altered forms of the coat protein gene of grapevine fanleaf virus. 1898 - 1998: Symposium in memory of the 100th anniversary of the foundation of tissue culture by Gottlieb Haberlandt. Vienna, 8. - 9. October 1998. In Vitro Plant 35 (2): 171. 26. Gölles R., da Câmara Machado A., Minafra A., Moser R., Katinger H. and Laimer da Câmara Machado M. 1999. Regeneration of Vitis sp. Transformed with coat protein gene sequences of four different grapevine viruses. 1898 - 1998: Symposium in memory of the 100th anniversary of the foundation of tissue culture by Gottlieb Haberlandt. Vienna, 8. - 9. October 1998. In Vitro Plant 35 (2): 171. 27. Pühringer H., Moll D., Hoffmann-Sommergruber K., Watillon B, Katinger H and Laimer da Camara Machado M. 1998. Cloning and characterization of the genomic and 5’ regulating sequence of an isoform of the major apple allergen Mal d1. 1898 - 1998: Symposium in memory of the 100th anniversary of the foundation of tissue culture by Gottlieb Haberlandt. Vienna, 8. - 9. October 1998. 28. Pühringer H., Moll D., Hoffmann-Sommergruber K., Watillon B., Katinger H. and Laimer da Câmara Machado M. 1998. Characterization of the promoter of an apple IPR-protein gene in transgenic tobacco. ICPP-Congress, Edinburgh, 9.- 16. August 1998. 29. Lopes M.S., Steinkellner H., Sefc K.M., Mendonça D., Laimer da Câmara Machado M. and da Câmara Machado A. 1998. Genotyping of Vitis cultivars used for the production of VQPRD and VLQPRD in the Azores by microsatellite markers, VII eme Symp. Intl. sur la Genetique et l`Amelioration de la Vigne, July 6 - 10, 1997, Montpellier. P1.10. 30. da Câmara Machado A., Druart P., Brazda M., Watillon B., Pühringer H., Boxus P., Katinger H. and Laimer da Câmara Machado M. 1998. Routine transformation via secondary embryogenesis in cherry rootstocks. IX Intl. Congress of the IAPTC: Plant Biotechnology and In Vitro Biology in the 21st Century. June 14 -18, 1998, Jerusalem.158. 31. Pühringer H., Moll D., Schmidsberger A., Hoffmann-Sommergruber K., Watillon B., Katinger H. and Laimer da Câmara Machado M. 1998. Promoter analysis of a Ypr10 gene in Malus domestica coding for the major allergen Mal d 1. 5th Intl. Workshop on Pathogenesis-related proteins in plants: Signalling pathways and Biological Activities. Aussois, March 29-April 2, 1998. 32. Gölles R., da Câmara Machado A., Minafra A., Moser R., Katinger H and Laimer da Câmara Machado M. 1997. Regeneration of Vitis sp. transformed with coat protein gene sequences of four different grapevine viruses. 12. Meeting of the Intl. Council for the Study of Viruses and Virus-like Diseases of the Grapevine (ICVG), October 1997, Lisboa. 33. Gölles R., Moser R., da Câmara Machado A., Katinger H and Laimer da Câmara Machado M. 1997. Viral resistance in Nicotiana benthamiana expressing altered forms of the coat protein gene of grapevine fanleaf virus. 12. Meeting of the Intl. Council for the Study of Viruses and Virus-like Diseases of the Grapevine (ICVG), October 1997, Lisboa. 34. Minafra A., Gölles R., da Câmara Machado A., Saldarelli P., Savino V., Martelli G.P., Katinger H and Laimer da Câmara Machado M. 1997. Coat-protein-mediated resistance against grapevine virus A and grapevine virus B in Nicotiana benthamiana and Nicotiana occidentalis. 12. Meeting of the Intl. Council for the Study of Viruses and Virus-like Diseases of the Grapevine (ICVG), October 1997, Lisboa. 35. Lopes M.S., Mendonça D., Laimer da Câmara Machado M. and da Câmara Machado A. 1997. Occurance of Grapevine Fanleaf Virus and Grapevine Leafroll Associated Virus III in the Azorean Islands Pico and Terceira. 12. Meeting of the Intl. Council for the Study of Viruses and Virus-like Diseases of the Grapevine (ICVG), October 1997, Lisboa. 36. Pühringer H., Moll D., Hoffmann-Sommergruber K., Watillon B., Katinger H. and Laimer da Câmara Machado M. 1997. Cloning and characterization of the genomic and 5´regulating sequence of an isoform of the major apple allergen Mal d 1. 5th ISPMB, Singapore. Sept. 1997. 37. Knapp E., Hanzer V., Mendonça D., da Câmara Machado A., Pühringer H., Katinger H. and Laimer da Câmara Machado M. 1996. Comparison of different treatments for elimination of PPV from stone fruit tissue cultures. 3. Middle European Meeting on Plum Pox Virus, Budapest 2. - 4. 10. 1996. 38. Seifert G.J., Brazda M., da Camara Machado A., Katinger H. and Laimer da Camara Machado M. 1996. Construction and Differential Screening of a Root-Tip derived cDNA-library of the Apple Rootstock M9. Abstracts of the 2. Intl. Symp. on the Biology of Root Formation and Development. June 23-28, Jerusalem, 26. 39. Kremen R., Davila Prado M.I., Frick S., da Câmara Machado A., Katinger H. and Laimer da Câmara Machado M. 1995. Plant tissue culture of Jatropha curcas. Exploration on Energy Plants, esp. Jatropha curcas, 1995 Dehli, India. 40. Kremen R., Lopes M.S., da Câmara Machado A., Katinger H. and Laimer da Câmara Machado M. 1995. In vitro regeneration of endangered alpine flowers. Proceedings 50th Anniversary of the Institute of Applied Microbiology, 19.- 21. 4. 1995, Vienna. 41. Kremen R., da Câmara Machado A., Katinger H. and Laimer da Câmara Machado M. 1995. In vitro cultivation of plant cells for the production of secondary compounds. Proceedings 50th Anniversary of the Institute of Applied Microbiology, 19.- 21. 4. 1995, Vienna. 42. da Câmara Machado A., Brazda M., Katinger H. and Laimer da Câmara Machado M. 1995. Influence of different light qualities on the regeneration from leaf explants of Malus domestica. Proceedings 50th Anniversary of the Institute of Applied Microbiology, 19.- 21. 4. 1995, Vienna. 43. Glatz M., da Câmara Machado A., Michelfeit B., Katinger H. and Laimer da Câmara Machado M. 1995. Histological analyses of the regeneration from leaf discs of Prunus domestica. Proceedings 50th Anniversary of the Institute of Applied Microbiology, 19.- 21. 4. 1995, Vienna. 44. da Câmara Machado A., Michelfeit B., Glatz M., Katinger H. and Laimer da Câmara Machado M. 1995. Regeneration of transgenic Prunus domestica plants from adult explants. Proceedings 50th Anniversary of the Institute of Applied Microbiology, 19.- 21. 4. 1995, Vienna. 45. Hanzer V., Weiss H., Weiss B., da Câmara Machado A., Knapp E., Pühringer H., Katinger H. and Laimer da Câmara Machado M. 1995. Revitalisation of old austrian fruit tree cultivars. Proceedings 50th Anniversary of the Institute of Applied Microbiology, 19.- 21. 4. 1995, Vienna. 46. Knapp E., Hanzer V., Weiss H., Bonness K., Doubek S., da Câmara Machado A., Pühringer H., Katinger H. and Laimer da Câmara Machado M. 1995. Investigation on distribution patterns of fruit tree viruses by immuno-tissue printing in infected shoots of Malus and Prunus sp. Proceedings 50th Anniversary of the Institute of Applied Microbiology, 19.- 21. 4. 1995, Vienna. 47. da Câmara Machado A., Pühringer H., Knapp E., Hanzer V., Weiss H., Katinger H. and Laimer da Câmara Machado M. 1995. Progress in pathogen mediated-resistance breeding against Plum Pox Virus in stone fruits. Proceedings 50th Anniversary of the Institute of Applied Microbiology, 19.- 21. 4. 1995, Vienna. 48. da Câmara Machado A., Puschmann M., Pühringer H., Kremen R., Katinger H. and Laimer da Câmara Machado M. 1995. Somatic embryogenesis of Prunus subhirtella autumno-rosa and regeneration of transgenic plants after Agrobacterium-mediated transformation. Proceedings 50th Anniversary of the Institute of Applied Microbiology, 19.- 21. 4. 1995, Vienna. 49. Knapp E., Hanzer V., Weiss H., da Câmara Machado A., Bonness K., Doubek S., Katinger H. and Laimer da Câmara Machado M. 1995. New aspects of virus elimination in fruit trees: Large scale diagnosis based on virus-host interaction. Proceedings 50th Anniversary of the Institute of Applied Microbiology, 19.- 21. 4. 1995, Vienna. 50. Seifert G.J., Kanzler P., da Camara Machado A., Katinger H. and Laimer da Câmara Machado M. 1995. Applications of Confocal Microscopy in the Study of in vitro Root Development. Proceedings 50th Anniversary of the Institute of Applied Microbiology, 19.- 21. 4. 1995, Vienna. 51. Seifert G.J., P. Kanzler, A. da Camara Machado, H. Katinger and M. Laimer da Camara Machado. 1995. A Strategy for Construction and Differential Screening of a Root-Tip derived cDNA-library of the Apple Rootstock M9. Proceedings 50th Anniversary of the Institute of Applied Microbiology, 19.- 21. 4. 1995, Vienna. 52. Gölles R., da Câmara Machado A., Tsolova V., Pühringer H., Atanassov A., Katinger H. and Laimer da Câmara Machado M. 1995. Agrobacterium-mediated transformation of somatic embryos of Vitis vinifera L. genotypes as a method for production of transgenic plants. Proceedings 50th Anniversary of the Institute of Applied Microbiology, 19.- 21. 4. 1995, Vienna. 53. Vanek-Krebitz M., Sommergruber-Hoffmann K., Breiteneder H., Ferris R., Scheiner O., Katinger H. and Laimer da Câmara Machado M. 1995. Identification and isolation of Mald1, the major apple allergen. Proceedings 50th Anniversary of the Institute of Applied Microbiology, 19.- 21. 4. 1995, Vienna. 54. da Câmara Machado A., Hanzer V., Weiss H., Knapp E., Pühringer H., Katinger H. and Laimer da Câmara Machado M. 1995. Planning and construction of an insect-proof screenhouse as a conservatory for pathogen-free elite motherplants of stone and pome fruit trees. Proceedings 50th Anniversary of the Institute of Applied Microbiology, 19.- 21. 4. 1995, Vienna. 55. da Câmara Machado A., Puschmann M., Katinger H. und Laimer da Câmara Machado M. 1994. Transformation of somatic embryos of Prunus. 4th. Intl. Congr. of Plant Molecular Biology, Amsterdam, June 1994. 56. Seifert G.J., Kanzler P., da Camara Machado A., Katinger H. and Laimer da Câmara Machado M. 1994. Applications of Confocal Microscopy in the Study of in vitro Root Development. 3-D Image Processing in Microscopy and Confocal and Near-Field Microscopy Joint Meeting, April 1994, Munich: 57. Seifert G.J., Kanzler P., da Camara Machado A., Katinger H. and Laimer da Câmara Machado M. 1994. A Strategy for Construction and Differential Screening of a Root-Tip derived cDNA-library of the Apple Rootstock M9. 4th. Intl. Congr. of Plant Molecular Biology, Amsterdam, June 1994. 58. Knapp E., Hanzer V., Weiss H., da Câmara Machado A., Wang Q., Weiss B., Katinger H. and Laimer da Câmara Machado M. 1994. Distribution of ACLSV in apple shoots cultivated in vitro. XVI ISHS Symposium on Fruit Tree Viruses. Rome. 59. da Câmara Machado A., Knapp E., Seifert G., Pühringer H., Hanzer V., Weiss H., Katinger H. and Laimer da Câmara Machado M. 1994. Gene transfer to fruit treees. VII Intl. Congress of Plant Tissue and Cell Culture, Florence. 60. da Câmara Machado A., Puschmann M., Katinger H. und Laimer da Câmara Machado M. 1993. Transformation of somatic embryos of Prunus. ÖGG and ÖGGGT Tagung, Wien, Sept. 1993: 74. 61. Hanzer V., Weiss H., Knapp E., da Câmara Machado A. Katinger H. and Laimer da Câmara Machado M. 1993. In vitro Methoden zur Erhaltung und Virusfreimachung von Apfelsorten. Pillnitz Sept. 1993. 62. Weiss H., Hanzer V., Knapp E., da Câmara Machado A. Katinger H. and Laimer da Câmara Machado M. 1993. In vitro Vermehrung von Prunus armeniaca. Pillnitz Sept. 1993. 63. Steinkellner H., da Câmara Machado A., Laimer da Câmara Machado M., Gölles R. and Katinger H. 1993. Studies on the coat protein mediated cross protection of Nepoviruses. IX. Intl. Congress of Virology, Glasgow. Book of Abstracts: P65-12, 344. 64. Seifert G.J., Kanzler P., da Camara Machado A., Hanzer V., Weiss H., Regner F., Knapp E., Katinger H. and Laimer da Câmara Machado M. 1993. Confocal Laser Scanning Microscopal observations of adventitious root formation in apple rootstock M9. Abstracts of Presentations at the First Intl. Symp. on the Biology of Adventitious Root Formation. Dallas, April 1993, 64. 65. da Câmara Machado A., Laimer da Câmara Machado M., D. Mattanovich, H. Steinkellner, F. Regner, V. Hanzer, H. Weiss, B. Kalthof, H. Katinger 1991. Transformation and Regeneration of Prunus armeniaca cv. Kecskemeter with the coat protein gene of Plum Pox Virus (Sharka). Intl. Symp. on Plant Biotechnology and its Contribution to Plant Development, Multiplication and Improvement. Geneva, April 1991. 66. da Câmara Machado A., Regner F., Steinkellner H., Mattanovich D., Hanzer V., Weiss H., Laimer da Câmara Machado M., Katinger H. 1991. Coat protein-mediated Protection against Plum Pox Virus. XVth Intl. Symp. on Virus and Virus Diseases of Temperate Fruit Crops. Vienna, July 1991. 67. Steinkellner H., Weinhäusl A., Laimer M., da Câmara Machado A., Katinger H. 1991. Identification of the coat protein of Arabis Mosaic Nepovirus and its expression in transgenic plants. XVth Intl. Symp. on Virus and Virus Diseases of Temperate Fruit Crops. Vienna, July 1991 68. Laimer da Câmara Machado M., da Câmara Machado A., Hanzer V., Weiss H., Knapp E., Plail R., Regner F., Mattanovich D., Steinkellner H., Katinger H. 1991. Transformation and regeneration of plants of Prunus armeniaca with the coat protein gene of Plum Pox Virus. Tagung der Deutschen Sektion IAPTC 18.-19. Sept. 1991: 31 69. da Câmara Machado A., Plail R., Laimer da Câmara Machado M., Hanzer V., Weiss H., Knapp E., Katinger H. 1991. Somatic embryogenesis from petiolus explants of Prunus autumno-rosa. Tagung der Deutschen Sektion IAPTC 18.-19. Sept. 1991: 43 70. da Câmara Machado A., Steinkellner H., Laimer da Câmara Machado M., Hanzer V., Weiss H., Knapp E., Mattanovich D., Regner F., Katinger H. 1991. Transformation and Regeneration of different Host Plants of Arabis Mosaic Virus. MHLV-Meeting, Budapest, September 1991: 138-139 71. Laimer M., da Câmara Machado A., Mattanovich D., Regner F., Hanzer V., Kalthoff B., Pescoller G., Katinger H. 1990. Protection against plum pox potyvirus by transgenic coat protein. VII IAPTC Congress, Amsterdam 24-29.6.1990 72. Steinkellner H., Himmler G., Laimer da Câmara Machado M., Mattanovich D., Katinger H.1989. Construction and analysis of cDNA from Arabis Mosaic Virus for Diagnosis. EMBO workshop on the Molecular Biology of Plant Virus Pathogenity at Wye College, Kent, UK 73. Laimer da Câmara Machado M. 1989. In-vitro Vermehrung von Apfel und Aspekte zur Anlage einer Genbank. Seminar zur Mikrovegetativvermehrung von Gehölzen, Seibersdorf. 23. January. 74. Laimer M., da Câmara Machado A., Mattanovich D., Regner F., Hanzer V., Steinkellner H., Durniok B., Himmler G. and Katinger H. 1989. Expression of the Plum Pox Virus coat protein in Nicotiana clevelandii. Intl. Symposium: "In vitro Culture and Horticultural Breeding", Cesena, 30.5.-3.6.1989 75. Himmler G., Mattanovich D., Regner F., Eder R., Laimer M. and Katinger H. 1988. Detection of plum pox virus in crude sap extracts with biotin-labelled DNA probes. XIV Intl. Symp. on Fruit Tree Virus Diseases, Thessaloniki : 69 76. Himmler G., Brix U., Laimer M., Mattanovich D. and Katinger H. 1988. Gold-Labelled-Immunosorbent-Electron-microscopy with plum pox virus specific monoclonal antibodies. XIV Intl. Symp. on Fruit Tree Virus Diseases, Thessaloniki : 45 77. Laimer M. 1987. Vermehrung und Virusfreimachung alter Apfelsorten in-vitro. Mitteilungsabend ÖAPP-Tagung, Salzburg. 78. Laimer M. 1987. Influence of 2,4-D on growth and enzyme patterns of plants with different degrees of resistance to herbicides in-vitro. Abstracts Intl. Botan. Congress, Vienna: 71

Popular Scientific papers

• Laimer M. und Maghuly F. 2015. Entstehung und Zukunft unserer Nahrungspflanzen J. Ernährungsmedizin. In press. • Marzban G., Herndl A., Maghuly F., Katinger H., Laimer M. 2008: Allergie auf Obst: Diagnose wird exakter. J. Ernährungsmedizin, 1: 34-36; ISSN 1563-2873 • Laimer M. 2007. 3 Fragen an Margit Laimer da Câmara Machado, Biotechnologin. Forum Alpbach News 4-5. • Laimer M. 2007. Biotechnologische Betrachtungen zur Marille. Teil IV. Gesundheitsrelevante Aspekte. Obstbau.Weinbau 44: 265-267. • Laimer M. 2006. Biotechnologische Betrachtungen zur Marille. Teil III. Resistenzzüchtung. Obstbau.Weinbau, 43: 341-344. • Laimer M. 2006. Biotechnologische Betrachtungen zur Marille. Teil II. Nachweis und Eliminierung von Viren und Phytoplasmen. Obstbau.Weinbau 43: 254-256. • Laimer M. 2006. Biotechnologische Betrachtungen zur Marille. Teil I. Obstbau.Weinbau 43: 222-224. • Laimer M. and Balla I. 2003. Méthodes rapides et fiables pour la détection et l´élimination des Phytoplasmes chez les arbres fruitiers. Fruit Belge 505: 157 – 161. • Paudel K.C., Pieber K., Klumpp R. and Laimer M. 2003. Evaluation of Lapsi Tree (Choerospondias axillaris, Roxb.) for fruit production in Nepal. Die Bodenkultur: 54 (1): 3-9. • Laimer M., Bertaccini A., Kummert J., Candresse T. and Jelkmann W. 2002. FAIR CT 97-3889: Validierung von diagnostischen Methoden an in vitro Pflanzen zur Zertifizierung von Obstgehölzen. Erwerbsobstbau 44: 76-81. • da Câmara Machado A., Katinger H. and Laimer da Câmara Machado M. 1999. Pathogen-vermittelte Resistenzzüchtung gegen Plum Pox Virus. Intl. Fachtagung „Entwicklungen im Marillenanbau“ HBLVA, Klosterneuburg 20. – 21. 5. 1999, Klosterneuburger Mitt. 49: 215 – 219. • Laimer da Câmara Machado M. 1999. Forschungsaspekte in der Pflanzenbiotechnologie. Agrarische Rundschau, August 1999(3): 15- 17. • da Câmara Machado A., Gölles R., Moser R., Pühringer H., Katinger H. and Laimer da Câmara Machado M. 1997. Resistenzzüchtung bei Reben. Weinbau 1,2,3, 1997. • Laimer M. and da Câmara Machado A. 1992. Plantes resistantes aux virus. Le Fruit Belge. 440:268-279. • Laimer da Câmara Machado M., da Câmara Machado A., Hanzer V., Weiss H., Regner F., Steinkellner H., Knapp E. und Katinger H. 1992. Cross Protection: Ein Beitrag zur Züchtung Sharka-resistenter Pflanzen. 43. Tagung der Vereinigung Österreichischer Pflanzenzüchter, Gumpenstein, Mitteilungsband: 79-85. • Laimer da Câmara Machado M., da Camara Machado A., Hanzer V., Dur-niok B., Weiss H., Mattanovich D., Regner F., Katinger H. 1990. In vitro Vermehrung von Rhabarber (Rheum rhaponticum). Mitt. Klosterneuburg, 40: 84 - 87 • Himmler G., Eder R., Regner F., Steinkellner H., Mattanovich D., Laimer M., Katinger H. 1990. Konstruktion von Plasmiden zur Herstellung von Plum Pox Virus-spezifischen Nukleinsäuresonden. Mitt. Klosterneuburg, 40: 88-92 • Mattanovich D., Laimer da Câmara Machado M., Regner F., da Câmara Machado A., Himmler G., Hanzer V., Kalthoff B., Steinkellner H., Katinger H. 1990. Molekulare Arbeiten zur Züchtung Plum Pox Virus-resistenter Steinobstsorten. Bioengineering 1991 7/2 : 44-47 / Institutsbroschüre des Instituts für Angewandte Mikrobiologie, Wien. • Laimer da Camara Machado M. 1989. In-vitro-Methoden zur Verbesserung von Obstgehölzen. Besseres Obst (34) 4 : 112 - 113 • Steinkellner H., Himmler G., Laimer M., Mattanovich D. und Katinger H. 1989. Konstruktion von cDNA von Arabis Mosaic Virus und deren Anwendung für Diagnose. Mitt. Klosterneuburg, 39:242-246 • Laimer M., da Câmara Machado A., Hanzer V., Himmler G., Mattanovich D. und Katinger H.W.D. 1988. In-vitro Vermehrung der alten Lokalsorte von Malus domestica "Graf Uhlhorns Augustkalvill". Mitt. Klosterneuburg 38 : 105 - 107 • Laimer M., da Câmara Machado A., Hanzer V., Weiss H., Mattanovich D., Himmler G. und Katinger H.W.D. 1988. In-vitro Kultur zur Virusfreimachung alter Apfelsorten. Mitt. Klosterneuburg, 38 : 247 -249 • Mattanovich D., Laimer M. und Himmler G. 1988. Gentechnik. Eine Methode zur Pflanzenzüchtung. Mitt. Klosterneuburg, 38 : 240 - 246 • Himmler G., Brix U., Laimer M., Mattanovich D. und Katinger H. 1988. Anwendung von monoklonalen Antikörpern in der Goldlabelled Immunosorbent Electronmicroscopy (GISEM) von Plum Pox Virus. Mitt. Klosterneuburg, 38 : 102 - 104 • Laimer M. 1987. In-vitro Vermehrung von Waldbäumen. Österreichische Forstzeitung 5 : 7 -10 • Himmler G., Laimer M., Steinkellner H., Mattanovich D., Griessler B. und Katinger H. 1987. Herstellung von monoklonalen Antikörpern gegen Plum Pox Virus zur Diagnose der Sharka-Krankheit von Steinobst. Mitt. Klosterneuburg 37 : 251-253 • Laimer M. 1986. In-vitro Vermehrung virusfreier Obstbäume. Obstbau aktuell 4 : 15 - 17

Scientific Collections and Websites

• Creation of the Vienna Reference Collection (VC) of virus and phytoplasma infected fruit tree cultures in vitro and in vivo under screenhouse conditions

• IAM Plant Biotechnology Unit:Plant Pathology Webpages

• Safety research: Transgenic Stone Fruit trees:

• IAM Plant Biotechnology Unit: Pannonian Apricot Pages

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