Mariazell's advent with narrow-gauge railway tour: Unterschied zwischen den Versionen

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Zeile 20: Zeile 20:
* [[Schmalspurjuwelen'discover the narrow-gauge railway of Mariazell]]:
* [[Schmalspurjuwelen|discover the narrow-gauge railway of Mariazell]]:
* [[Mariazellerbahn|narrow-gauge railway of Mariazell]]
* [[Mariazellerbahn|narrow-gauge railway of Mariazell]]
* [[Modell der Mariazellerbahn|model of the narrow-gauge railway of Mariazell]]
* [[Modell der Mariazellerbahn|model of the narrow-gauge railway of Mariazell]]

Version vom 27. November 2010, 10:49 Uhr

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Your Steinschaler weekendpackage 2010

bookable: on all weekends during the advent Your Mariazeller-advent package includes:

Your advent package:

  • double room square yard with shower per person € 152,80
  • singel room square yard with shower per person € 168,80
  • double room southgarden with whirl bath p.p. € 158,60
  • single room southgarden per person € 178,00
  • wallower room with canopy bed, whirl bath and infrared cabin p.p. € 197,80

Usefull information

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