Kategorie:Steinschaler Gärten

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Zeichnung: Südgarten u Südgartenhaus
Produktionsgarten im Juli

The 'Steinschaler gardens are worth seeing "pure nature"' on 48,000 m² in Pielachtal (only 50 minutes from Schönbrunn). They are used primarily to supply the Steinschaler kitchen.

The special:
About 1,000 different beverages and wild plants, ponds. You will find many examples and suggestions for 'lazy gardeners' . The Steinschaler gardens change seasonally their appearance and are from year to year more species-rich.

essbare Fuchsien-Blüten

Through our focus on sustainability and Steinschaler subsistenceeconomy are the Steinschaler Gardens in the centre of our attention.

They contribute to a large extent to the freshness and the high organic content of our delicious Steinschaler food.

Discover the wild herbs Arena Steinschaler Gardens! '

Interesting Recreation Room

tomato harvest

The Gardens offer to our guests also a unique recreational space and during the tours to admire many interesting things on.

In the category of the Steinschaler gardens there is information about our Steinschaler Gardens, garden tours and partly about the herbs we draw itself.

Harvested Dirndl fruits in hand
Wild herb harvest
Ramson increase in the Steinschaler gardens

Logistics Base Steinschaler kitchen

Zucchini harvest with wheelbarrow

Our natural garden provides a wealth of garden products (vegetables, salads, flowers, herbs, fruit) for our vegetarian and vegan cuisine.
Especially with the extensive wild herb production in Bio we have for this healthy cuisine an excellent supply base.

Backgrounds to natural garden:

Garden Gallery

Natural pond in the garden production
November harvest from "Folientunnel"
Frieda as TV star
Samenstand der roten Melde
Dirndl flower dominated in the early spring garden
blossomes clary
Cabbage, and endive Broccolie- harvesting
Garden: Optimal for Seminar outdoors

Seiten in der Kategorie „Steinschaler Gärten“

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Medien in der Kategorie „Steinschaler Gärten“

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